Tips for Traveling with Your Glasses or Contacts
Tune in to this week’s Travel Tip Tuesday and hear why Jenn now carries a backup set of contacts and glasses!
If you wear glasses or contacts, you should consider before leaving on a trip how it could impact your overall travel experience including reading and driving if you lose or damage your eyewear!
If you are blessed with great eyesight – we are very happy for you but we think you should still listen to this episode as someone you love might be able to use this info!
Sharing is caring and seeing is important!
Podcast Transcript
TTT Glasses and Contacts
Jenn: Hey everyone, and welcome back to Travel Tip Tuesday with the Travel Mug Podcast. I am Jenn, joined as always by my partner in podcasting, Meggan. How are you today, Meggan?
Meggan: I am excellent and I am staying tuned for your topic today. I'm very interested in
Jenn: Uh, right.
Meggan: I wish I had no interest. I'm just going to say that right away. I wish I didn't care about this topic, but you go ahead.
Jenn: yes, this travel tip is for all of the glasses and contact wearers out there. So if you're blessed with great eyesight, I mean, you can turn off this episode right now. It does not apply to you.
Meggan: But thanks for the download and
Jenn: I mean, you could keep listening. Yeah. Uh, so for those who watch on YouTube, I Don't have glasses on, but I have been wearing contacts since I was 14 years old.
So like 20 years, which sounds really strange, but here we are. So, and up until 2022, I always just traveled with a set of contacts that I was already. wearing or using. So I wear monthlies, so I open one pair a month. And then I always brought a pair of glasses as well to wear when I wasn't wearing my contacts.
But in 2022, after a late night at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party at Disney, I took my contacts out, put them in the case, and then forgot to put the solution in. I have never done that before in my life. So they dried out completely, obviously, and I had to throw them away, and then I was stuck with glasses for the rest of my trip, which was annoying for me because I prefer my contacts, and it was extra annoying at Disney. Because glasses and fast rides is sometimes extremely annoying. I was scared they were gonna fly off my face. So after that, I started traveling with an extra set of contacts, in case that happens again, so I can just open a new pair. And then this also applies if you wear glasses. Like, what would happen if you If you broke the only set of glasses that you brought, like, you may not be able to drive, and it would likely make traveling, like, difficult or inconvenient.
I can't see to drive without some sort of corrective vision, so I also On a non travel note, keep an extra pair of glasses in my car in case something happens to my contacts and I still need to drive home. Can you tell I have anxiety? I don't know.
Meggan: Just, just a titch, but at least, I have to say, at least it's driven from an incident in your own life and you're not, it's fine if you worry about it anyway, but you have had something happen to you where you were out your contacts. So I think it makes a little bit of sense where you're extra careful now.
Jenn: Yeah, yeah, so yeah, I just keep an extra pair of, you know, glasses that are older but I can still see in the car, which could be helpful if you're on a road trip. And I know it can be a pain to carry around extra stuff when you're traveling. Obviously, you can't bring two of everything in case something breaks, but there's a lot of things that you can buy or replace while you're traveling, and contacts or glasses will probably be difficult to obtain, unless you're wearing, um, you know, like drugstore reading glasses.
Those are usually pretty easy to, to grab. But, For me, it's worth carrying around an extra set of contacts, which obviously don't take up much room, and maybe an extra set of glasses, uh, if that's all you have. So Meggan, have you ever thought about this? Do you bring extra eyewear when you travel?
Meggan: Well, I have to say, I am one of the lucky people that at this point, even at my advanced age, I still just need drugstore readers. So when I travel, um, I need them for like reading menus, et cetera. So I just bring the one pair. I did actually think about this recently in Amsterdam because I thought I lost them at one point, which I didn't, but I thought, well, I'm sure I could find like a drug store and pick up a pair of glasses.
So for me personally, not as big of a concern, it certainly would be an inconvenience, uh, Peter can see great. Um, even though he's older than me. So at least I would have his eyes and I can drive. I don't wear, like, I don't wear these glasses anywhere except for when I'm having to read something. So not as big of a concern. But like you mentioned, if you need corrective something or other to help you drive, like, that's a big deal.
Jenn: I can't see. So that is all we have for this week's Travel Tip Tuesday. I hope that my anxiety might help save you from an unfortunate incident in the future. I don't know.
Meggan: mean, I hope.
Jenn: You can find us on social media. We're Travel Mug Podcast on Instagram and Facebook and YouTube. We would also really appreciate if you left us a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
And share the show with a travel loving pal. We love that, too. So, until next time, bye!
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