The Surprising Benefits Of Traveling
We love planning a getaway and having stuff to look forward to – we love travel so much we started a podcast.
So Meggan wanted to dive into what the science and research actually says about the overall benefits of traveling and some of the reasons could have big health implications!
Travel is beautiful and can be far or near but outside the obvious, just us to discuss the true and life changing benefits of disconnecting and getting out there!
Podcast Transcript
TTT 41 - Benefits Of Travel
Meggan: Hey everyone, and welcome back to Travel Tip Tuesday on the Travel Mug Podcast. Jenn and I are so happy you're here,
Jenn: so happy.
Meggan: Yeah. We all know like travel's fun. Obviously we have a whole podcast about it. You get to see new places, eat some different food and meet new people. But as I was kind of thinking about some upcoming weekend getaways we have planned and the good feelings I always get when I'm thinking about them, I actually started to think like, What is it about travel that's so good for you?
Outside the most obvious reasons that I've already stated. So I wanted to dig a little bit deeper into like the science behind actual benefits of traveling and how and why it's good for you. So after some research, I found some recurring trends based on scientific research and also life experience, including my own.
So the first thing I wanna talk about is stress release and mental and physical health improvement. It's a restart and it's a disconnect from real life, digital life, and also regular duties of everyday life. And it really even can decrease a likelihood actually for a heart attack, especially in women.
Jenn: Wow.
Meggan: I know that's a huge deal.
Jenn: Yeah.
Meggan: Take that vacation.
Jenn: Yeah.
Meggan: Yeah, yeah. So that's just point number one. It can also help alleviate trouble sleeping. So you're seeing different things. You're being stimulated in a different way. You're likely more physically active, you're in a different environment because if you're not sleeping well, maybe the environment you're trying to sleep in at home isn't cohesive for that.
So it actually can help a lleviate that. Now, I know there's a lot of people who say, I find it hard to sleep in hotel rooms or not in my bed. So of course that's not like typical for everyone, but it can help with that. So why not give it a try? I say. I usually have trouble the first night.
Jenn: I do too. Yeah.
Meggan: Yeah. And then once I'm settled in, I'm good to go after that first night.
Jenn: Yeah.
Meggan: And also number three can improve creativity. So different daily circumstances and situations will cause you to have to think differently because you're not in your everyday routine. So you're talking to people who might speak a different language.
So working through that with them and really general problem solving. So actually it can tap into a side of your brain that if you're just going through your everyday routine at home, isn't as stimulated. So again, it can help improve creativity.
Jenn: Mm-hmm.
Meggan: Number four, boosts self-confidence. So you are out there in the world by choice.
Money you have saved to make it happen is propelling you forward. Your travel planning, of course, your decision making, meeting new people, finding your way through the world. Again, problem solving. If not daily, likely every other day. And of course, on a more base level, this can really boost your confidence because you're out there doing it.
So you actually made the choice to do this, and therefore the boosting of self-confidence happens. And then the last point I wanna make on number five is it increases happiness, of course. So re research has actually found and as reported by the website, goodrx.com, people, including females, report less symptoms of depression and tension compared to those who have traveled less as well, of course, as increased happiness amongst married couples.
Jenn: Hmm.
Meggan: So much like the last point, I wanna be sure to mention that travel doesn't have to mean like international getaways. Of course those are fun, but it can just mean a weekend away, a staycation within your own city, state, province, or even your country. But I really just wanna stress that disconnecting from work and getting out has real life benefits, including your health, which I'm just like so excited to have read about that it actually is doing really good things for us besides just the fact that my eyes are seeing different things.
Jenn: Yes.
Meggan: It's cool. So Jenn, when you think of travel, like what's the biggest benefit for you? Either of the above or one that you've recognized in yourself?
Jenn: Yeah, like I ha have noticed a huge difference in, I noticed a huge difference in my mental health when I have a trip booked versus when I don't. And it is,
Meggan: yeah,
Jenn: really strange, but just like having that to look forward to you. I obviously love travel planning. I love the research part of it. I love planning things and looking for things to do. And it's funny cuz we, we were away in Florida in February and then we weren't really sure like, What we were gonna do for the rest of year if we were just going to lay low. And we ended up booking a trip to Boston for October, and I literally like, can feel myself.
It's like I really can. And it's, it's, you know, it sounds silly, but I mean, if you've experienced it then you know, like it, it, I really can feel a difference in my mental health. And it's funny because we were also, we were driving to Cape Breon recently and talking in the car and I was like, The feeling of landing in a new city and having to like figure it out. It is a confidence boost when you figure it out and it, we were kind of talking about. People or like people that we know that have never really traveled, like they've never had to do that for themselves. And I just think that there's so much that you can get out of that type of experience. So and I also really notice like how connected as a couple that we feel when we're traveling too. Like it's definitely, it definitely helps for sure.
Meggan: Yeah, definitely good vibes all around I say.
Jenn: Good vibes. We love, we love travel.
Meggan: We really do. We, we started a podcast, so here we are. It obviously makes us feel good. So, you know, we hope more than anything that you could take some time for yourself. Get out there, really, whatever that means for you as it really is a benefit for your overall wellbeing.
And I mean, that's always a good thing. So as always, thank you for tuning in and until next time, you can find us on Facebook and Instagram at Travel Mug Podcast or on our lovely website at travelmugpodcast.com. You can leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, which would be lovely or support the show with buy me a coffee.
And until next time, take care and bye.
Jenn: Bye!
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