Pack Medications When Traveling
Have you ever considered the fact that in some countries, you cannot buy standard drugstore shelf medications like you can in North America and other countries around the world?
Tune in this episode to hear our advice on what you should do to be prepared for travel in regards to your typical drugstore items.
Also, do you sometimes have general issues or ailments you once in a while need medication for? Something to consider is reaching out to your primary care doctor and getting a “just in case” prescription for that ailment if allowed!
You can never regret being too prepared when you are going to be away from home!
Podcast Transcript
TTT Pack Medications
Meggan: Hey everyone, and welcome back to Travel Tip Tuesday with the Travel Mug Podcast. I am Meggan, joined as always by my better half, Jenn. How are you today?
Jenn: I am doing well.
Meggan: Wonderful. So as we know, packing for a big trip, or even one that lasts over a few days away from home, can be daunting. It is privilege to have, to have the hassle of packing, um, because it means that you get to travel, I realize this, but also not many people love packing, and if you, if you do, well, good for you, I suppose, I'm really happy for you, but I'm not one of those people, um, brings with it, for me, a certain amount of anxiety, and also, you know, like the thoughts of what am I going to forget? Of course, I do up a list and haven't ever really even forgotten very much, but I anticipate bad things apparently. So that's me. Hi. Um, one of those things I like to anticipate personally is something going wrong with my body while I'm away. I know I can't plan for everything and honestly, I am okay with that.
However, I have had different ailments in the past during European trips that have made things less than pleasant, we will say, so I do have a bit of an unfortunate track record. All of this kind of got me thinking, how can you plan for a semi regular ailment, and can you depend on getting what you need where you're going if you don't take medications with you or precautions in advance? So we are going to the Netherlands actually later this year and I joined of course a travel group and one of the things that also got me thinking about this is that according to the group it is quite hard to get basic pharmacy items in drugstores without a prescription, including some really basic pain medications that are easily accessible just on drugstore shelves here in North America. So taking your run of the mill meds that you may need, of course, would be key for any destination. But also I never would have thought like if I needed headache medicine, I couldn't just go in and like, you know, Grab that off the shelf. Also for our trip to Iceland I'm trying to outsmart my body a bit and I've gotten two prescriptions for preventive measures Made up of medications that I was able to get prescribed because no one would ever take them for fun. So Doctors are like, okay. I realize you're not you're not addicted to this So we're gonna give it to you and I've also purchased a few other things to take that I normally wouldn't and Hoping, of course, I don't need any of it, but really for traveling, peace of mind is half the battle for folks like me with a little bit of anticipatory anxiety. Now, maybe your body is super cool and chill, um, so you don't ever have to consider these things. And if that's the case, again, I mean, good for you. If not, it's going to be important to check, really, Again, it's something I never thought of and see what pharmacies offer in places that you're heading or if you know your body What can you take with you regardless to try and have a smooth trip and for me it's worth it to think about those things and again if you never need them even better But if you do you have it with you. So Jenn has medications or the availability of basic drugstore items ever crossed your mind when traveling
Jenn: so I am the person. I have Pepto Bismol pills in my purse all the time. All times. I have ibuprofen in my purse. All times. I have a little bag that I travel with that has ibuprofen, Tylenol, and like, anti fungal cream. All of these things come with me every time because I don't want to have to go out and find them when, you know, when I need them.
Meggan: Exactly.
Jenn: So, uh, just keep a little bag, and, uh, you know, like we said, I can't remember what episode it was, but, you know, you need to buy your diarrhea medication before you go, because, uh, If you need it, you need it right then, and you don't want to be looking for it.
Meggan: That's exactly right. And what if you can't find any?
Jenn: Right? No. Just get, listen to me people, get the little dissolvable anti diarrhea things. You put them in your mouth, they dissolve, and problems go away for the most
Meggan: That is right. Alright, well, I like that, and I'm gonna, I'm calling it my, like, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman Pouch. I've got it pretty much prepared. She's almost good to go. So, we have our fingers crossed, you know?
Jenn: I can't wait to hear when you get back from Iceland how it went?
Meggan: Yeah, I'll message you from the trip if things go downhill so I can, so I can, uh, let you know that in advance.
Um, well that is it for this week's Travel Tip Tuesday. We hope you enjoyed the show, maybe give you a little bit of info just to prepare in advance. Again, not doing your research this time, but just packing a little extra for peace of mind, essentially. If you love what we're doing here, , we would love to for you to leave us a review on Apple or Spotify. We'd love to hear from you too on social media, travel mug podcast. And if you enjoy what we're doing. You could buy us a coffee. We are the Travel Mug Podcast. The link is in the show notes. , and learn more about us and our episodes as well at our website, which is beautiful. And you should check it out at TravelMugPodcast. com. We wish you safe and healthy travels. Until next time, bye!
Jenn: Bye!
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