How To Choose Clothing For Travel
We are all out of practice travelling and packing has always been a conundrum for some – I mean what do you pack for a longer trip with multiple weather scenarios?
Jenn talks about how she decides what to pack and she gets ready for her next big trip, what she is having trouble deciding between.
Our advice is less pants than shirts and try to also book at least one accommodation, possibly in the middle of your trip, that has access to a washing machine! (although the sink will do in a pinch)
Podcast Transcript
TTT 14
Jenn: Hey everybody. Welcome back to the travel mug podcast or travel tip Tuesday today I want to talk about planning your clothing for travel.
Meggan: I love this topic.
Jenn: I definitely tend to be an over packer. And planning clothing carefully helps me be more intentional, about when I'm bringing with me and right now I'm just like mentally planning all of my Scotland outfits. So I want to talk about,
Meggan: and you are like, Wayne, I admire your Gusto for this, for this journey.
Jenn: So the first thing that I do, and I think that you should do before you go somewhere is check the weather. Um, Because that's important. What's the temperature going to be like, is it rainy? Could it snow, all of those important things to know. The other thing they think about is are you going to have laundry facilities where you're going? Like, do you have to bring clothes for every day or are you able to wash your clothes halfway through.
That's what we did on our honeymoon. In England. We did not have laundry facilities, but I did pack laundry soap, and I washed all of our stuff in the kitchen sink, and then I hung it all around our apartment.
Meggan: So nice and stiff afterwards.
Jenn: It was so great.
Meggan: I loved it so much.
Jenn: It did the trick, you know?
Meggan: Yes, I totally get it.
Jenn: Also, I think about like, what do we have plans? So like, do you have a fancy dinner or like an event you're going to, you. Maybe you're going to do a Flytographer shoot and you want to get to fancy clothes I am not looking forward to going to Scotland and having to drag around my bridesmaids,
like the whole two weeks. And I'm going to wear it once. If I were at another time, I'd look ridiculous. Probably
Meggan: the thing about the bridesmaid's dress. Think about this is afterwards. You can just shove it however you like.
Jenn: Yeah.
Meggan: You don't, you don't need to be careful once the wedding's over.
Jenn: I know the wedding's halfway through this. I was.
Meggan: Okay. Okay. Yeah. Halfway through. You're going to be like folded, neatly, just work around the dress and you'd be like, screw the dress. Just put it in there.
Jenn: Definitely. And so the last couple of trips that I've done outside of thunder bay were to Florida. And so it's so easy when you're going somewhere warm just to throw like flip-flops t-shirts tank tops and shorts and a bag and be good, but like always bring a sweater. Always bring a sweater. I don't care if you're going to the sun. Bring a sweater, because air conditioning and also like nights can get chilly, but also like your body adjust to that temperature. And all of a sudden 20 feels cold, even though 20 in Nova Scotia, I'm wearing a tank top and shorts. So
Meggan: if you get sunburned, you feel chillier once the sun goes down as well. So that's also when a sweater comes in handy,
Jenn: for sure. I always pack extra socks and underwear. Just in case, nothing, at least a couple of extra pairs of each doesn't have to be. Don't pack the double, the amount you need cause right. Crazy. But and shoes. So let me tell you how much trouble I'm having with shoes going to Scotland, because I currently have four pairs planned and I know that too many,
Meggan: like, do you have planned obviously a formal pair, probably for the wedding yes.
Jenn: And then I have like my Vessi shoes that are like everyday wear around town kind of shoes. And then I need hiking types shoes for Ben Nevis. And then I also want to bring my Birkenstocks because those are the most comfortable shoes I have. And if it's warm enough and dry enough, that's what I want to wear walking around. But that's four pairs of shoes.
But I mean the wedding shoes and the hiking things are kind of non-negotiable. and then. I'm like, I don't know what I'm doing.
Meggan: Well, I mean, you could always put the Berks in your, in your carry on some room there. And then essentially that's three pairs. Do you know what I mean? That's how I would take. And if you know, you're going to use them all, just take them, stop stressing about it, call it a day.
Jenn: Thank you. Thank you for a little packing therapy. Usually I would take like two pairs of shoes, maybe three, usually two is, what I would try to take on a trip like this, but I mean, when you have formal events and hiking, it's, it's a whole other ball game, but are you, do you tend to be an over packer or no?
Meggan: Sometimes. Yes, I've gotten better over the years. And over the traveling. I remember one trip I can think of a south somewhere, but I can't remember. And I used every outfit. Was I ever excited? I'm like exactly what I need. I was like, this is the crescendo of travel. Um, So yeah, sometimes, but I've gotten better with packing less pants use those for two days. Like definitely extra underwear and socks. Although those are easy to wash in the sink if you need. Um, But I do extras of those as well. Shoes. I always have a hard time with, so I'm glad I could give advice to you, but I have gotten better with like layering and pants and those kinds of things.
So yes and no, honestly, depends on the trip and depends on the size of my suitcase.
Jenn: Yeah, that's totally fair. I mean like a road trip is totally different than like a down south trip is totally from a Europe trip. Like the stuff
Meggan: The road trip is beautiful because you have the car and you're just like, I'll just toss this crap into it. It doesn't matter if the road trip is the easiest.
Jenn: That is the easiest, but it definitely. To overpacking like for sure. Cause you're like, it doesn't matter. Like I have space, but you're still dragging around all this stuff I don't necessarily need.
Meggan: Oh no, it's very true. And I'm married to a minimalist. Like he, he, he only takes exactly what he needs and somehow it works out for him and I'm just like, You brought like one pair of pants and I swear you've worn seven. Like, I don't know how he does, but yeah, like he's really good at it. And then I not so much, I actually have sat in the room we're in right now.
And I've like sat on the floor amongst all of these piles. And I'm just like, I don't want to do this. So I've had my moments, but I have gotten better.
Yes, definitely. Well, cool. That's all we have for this week.
Jenn: Um,
The amount of clothing, we don't have a super secret way to do it, but maybe we should have brought Peter on.
Meggan: I know Peter, Peter should be here and tell, telling us how to properly pack, but I really think if you plan for weather and you double up on some days, you won't overpack, if you really put that mindset into it, in my opinion,
Jenn: I love it. Perfect. All right. Well, thanks for listening to this travel tip Tuesday.
I was always, you can find us on Facebook and Instagram at the travel mug podcast. You can find on website travel mug podcast.com, where everywhere you can find us on like Spotify and apple podcasts and leave us nice review. Cause we like read those and yeah. Perfect. Have a good week. And we'll talk to you again soon.
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