Why You Should Prioritize Taking Travel Videos
We all know people love taking travel pictures and it has become so easy since most of us now have a smart phone with us everywhere we go. Sometimes people forget it has a video camera feature too!
On this episode of Travel Tip Tuesday, Meggan shares with us how through some recent reviewing of travel videos made her so grateful they document their trips with not just pictures but also video. There are some memories you won’t ever remember if they weren’t on video! You need to make sure to be in the moment but also, balance it with capturing some of the moment to enjoy for years to come!
Podcast Transcript
TTT 39 - Video
Meggan: Hey everyone, and welcome back to Travel Tip Tuesday at the Travel Mug Podcast.
Jenn: Woo-hoo.
Meggan: I know it's very exciting because you are about to get a glimpse into my weekend, because I want to talk to you today about the importance of taking travel videos. So after our recent trip to Cuba, we are thirsting for some adventure travel. So on Saturday we took some time and we rewatched some of our videos from our European adventures last summer.
For those of you who don't know, Peter is huge on capturing our travels on video. So whether it's like a big trip like that or even just somewhere we go on the weekend, he's always been a huge into like capturing his life on video since like the early two thousands. And when we first met I thought it was a bit weird.
But now I'm like really thankful. So looking at those adventures on the weekend, like we saw some, so many hidden little nuggets of things we had completely forgotten about and we really never would've remembered if we didn't have the video. And it was during those videos, although I have realized it before, but it was really driven home, like how grateful I was to have all of these moments captured.
And how I would feel if we didn't like, I mean, I guess at the end of the day, I wouldn't realize what I didn't have, but having them really drove that home. Now, of course, you don't wanna be so engrossed in like capturing video that you miss what's happening in front of you, but a good balance really does allow for you to enjoy the moment, but it also allows you for you to enjoy the moment for years to come.
And that's literally with every single trip what we do, when I wouldn't have it any other way. And everyone has a video camera with them every single day. It's called Your cell phone. I know. It's really not that hard. We all have one. So next time you're on your trip, instead of just taking a picture, literally turn your camera horizontally and hit the video button instead and literally take some video.
Trust me, if someone who has video of their lives since 2004 now you won't regret having it later.
Jenn: Right. So my question for you is, does he edit it and put it into like, this is our trip to Europe 2022. Or it's just all little chunks. Okay.
Meggan: It's just all little chunks. Yes. He has a program that he uses that he puts his videos specifically in mm-hmm.
but he can just bring them up in any other sort of order. He leaves them as is.
Jenn: Gotcha. Perfect.
Meggan: Now do you and Ryan take much video when you travel?
Jenn: I would say traditionally, No. But like a little bit and like little, little snippets here and there. And I definitely, there was a, a little chunk of time where I thought that I might become like a travel YouTuber, but like, it is so much work. People do not realize how much
Meggan: Oh, yeah.
Jenn: Editing video is so much work. And I was like, you know what? I can't do this. But one thing besides taking little videos that I really like on an iPhone is having live photos on. So you get the sort of, you're taking your picture, but then you also get your little live video.
And sometimes you capture these really funny little moments in the live photos too. So that's one little. Tidbit that some people don't realize is happening when you have live photos on, you can go back and look at it and watch the, I don't know, three or four second loop, but you can get some kind of really magical little tiny snippets of video.
It's really funny when you're at Disney and you're watching the fireworks because the fireworks start and 50 million iPhones,
Meggan: of course they do
Jenn: go up, right? And I. I'm really conscious now at when I'm there of like trying to more enjoy it while it's in front of me instead of videoing it for later.
Because the thing about Disney is it's great to have videos of you and your family, you know, on a ride or something. But if you're literally just videoing the fireworks, there is someone who has that on YouTube that is much already more nicely put together than your little iPhone with, you know, there's a kid on someone's shoulders in front of the, you do. Just watch it on YouTube that someone else has put together and enjoy what's in front of you.
Meggan: That's a really good point. Like those moments are not what we capture. Like if we go to a zoo, We're not just taking constant videos of like zoo animals or like stuff that you know, you can find online that when you look back on has nothing to do with you in your moment, in your trip. So that's a really great point.
Like you can find those fireworks online, but if you can capture a funny moment on a ride, that's just, you guys, like, that's something completely different. So yeah, you're exactly right. Yeah. Cool. So that is it. It for this week's travel tip Tuesday. Get out there and like, take a video once in a while.
I mean, it's, you'll have it forever. So it's, it's highly encouraged, but again, don't miss the moments in front of you.
Jenn: Mm-hmm. .
Meggan: Also, don't forget about our contest, Jenn.
Jenn: Mm-hmm. , I haven't forgotten.
Meggan: I haven't forgotten either, . So we do have a contest going on everyone for the month of April. If you leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Spotify, screenshot it and send it to us in a DM on either Facebook or Instagram at Travel Mug Podcast.
Your name will be entered to win a Travel mug podcast mug. Of course or a t-shirt, your choice will be sent right to you, and that draw will take place in the beginning of May, so you don't wanna miss out. Mm-hmm. , win some cool merch from us, and until next time, bye
Jenn: bye.
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