Why You Need A Travel Journal
How do you want to remember your travels? You may think just having photos is enough, but a travel journal can help you remember the details, the little moments, and how much fun you had!
Jenn likes to write her travels down, Meggan likes to use video and short notes.
Either way it’s fun to look back on your past travels!
Podcast Transcript
TTT 17
Jenn: Hi, everyone. Welcome back to travel Tip Tuesday travel mug podcast. This week I want to talk to you about having a travel journal. This is something I've done for most trips that I've taken. Sometimes it's just been like a word doc on my computer. Sometimes it's been a notebook, but in Christmas, I think 2014 my husband bought us a custom travel journal.
Got our names on it. Very very cute. I love it so much. I believe our first trip in it is our honeymoon, which is just so precious. And I think it's going to be full soon. I need to dig to get it out. Cause we're, we're getting ready to go. But yeah, I think journaling during your travels kind of helps you remember what you did, what you saw, people you met so much more, you forget things. So much quicker than you think.
Meggan: Oh my God. Yeah.
Jenn: So I love taking a few minutes at the end of the day to write down what we did, where we ate, how the day was and that sort of thing. And it makes a great souvenir too. I think like you can add little things to the pages. If you want, you can kind of make it more of like a scrapbook style versus just ours is like a straight journal. It can be whatever you want.
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: No rules, but I really think that you should have one because it is really fun to look back. Like usually every time I get it out to getting ready for a trip, I start reading back through and remember things that I've kind of forgotten about. And I think it's just really fun. Do you keep a travel journal at all Meggan?
Meggan: Um, some trips. I have some, I haven't, I mean, it's really hit and miss, I do have a book of course, that I have used prepare for our last few trips, even back to Ireland and Iceland. So I will definitely take that with us as I've made notes pre-trip I'm assuming I'll probably keep some notes during it.
Same idea to sort of remember. One advantage we have is Peter really does videotape almost like all of our trip, which, you know, in the beginning of her relationship with like you're a weirdo with a video camera, honestly, he has footage of so much of our lives. I'm so grateful. Like we have everything, all of our trips, even with my family, my grandmother who just passed away, like I have video of almost everything and I feel so lucky.
So I think in terms of journaling, that's why I've probably been a little lazier at times, because I know that we have it, like I know, but I love to write. So it is something that I have done periodically. I do intend to do it on this trip because it's going to be a whirlwind two weeks and you're right, stuff gets lost and I think it's great to jot it down in the moment as well. I think that's really special. You're there. When you look back, you're like I was there when I wrote this and it's, it is really cool. So I, I did in Iceland, Ireland, I will probably do it on this trip as well. So the answer is hit and miss, but going forward probably, but do it.
Jenn: Yes. I love it. And our last couple of big trips have been Disney trips and we've been like, I write down like what rides we were on. What we did. And it is just a really fun. Time capsule to go back. And actually I just, just remembered this. The first time we went to Disney I went with my dad and step-mom and my brother and on the plane on the way home, my dad got us to write down like our top three favorite things that we did. And then he kept those and gave them back to us as adults, which was really cool to do
Meggan: that is so cute.
Jenn: Also a great idea. Yeah. I hope that this inspires you to keep a journal if you're not already doing that when you travel. So thank you so much for listening to this travel tip Tuesday, and always you can find us on our website, travel mug, podcast.com. Find us on Facebook, Instagram at the travel mug podcast. You can support the show by buying us a coffee. You can leave us a review. That stars, five stars reviews, please on apple podcasts
please leave us five stars um, and share the show with a travel loving pal. And we will talk to you again soon.
Meggan: Bye everyone.
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