Travel Phone Hacks You Need To Know
Most of us have cell phones these days and we rely on it for a lot of things and it can be a great tool when travelling to keep us safe and on track and on time!
Join us as we share some travel hacks and tips so you can put your phone to the best use possible while out on the road!
Podcast Transcript
TTT 49 - Phone Hacks
Meggan: Hey everyone and welcome back to Travel Tip Tuesday with your gals from the Travel Mug Podcast. Jenn, how are you doing today?
Jenn: I'm good. How are you?
Meggan: I'm good. Thank you. So I wanted to take this time today and talk a bit about a few phone hacks that people can use when traveling. Everyone likes a tip, no?
Jenn: Yes!
Meggan: I know. So let's get into it. We all have, most of us at least have smartphones, so hopefully this is a bit useful. So now this one is, the first one is for iOS users out there. But did you know that if you are headed out on a flight and you send someone your flight number literally in a text and all you say is, let's say for example, AC 365 they can then actually click on the flight number, which has become a hyperlink, and they'll actually be able to track your flight.
How convenient how 2023!
Jenn: What on earth?
Meggan: I know what a time to be alive. Now hopefully this never happens to you, but what if you lose your phone? So, a tip would be when traveling change your lock screen to your name and an alternate way to contact you. So if your phone isn't necessarily stolen 'cause they don't care.
No. Um, But if you lose your phone and it happens to be found by an honest soul they can actually know how to get it back to you because your lock screen gives them some contact information.
Jenn: Hmm. Interesting.
Meggan: Take pictures of everything would be tip number three. So your car rental info or reservation, your hotel information, your flight information, your passport, any pertinent travel docs, because not everyone gets a sim card and not everyone uses data when traveling.
So in case you don't do that, or you happen to be in an area of bad coverage, you have that info readily available 'cause you've got pictures of it. So simple, but so helpful. Tip number four. Speaking of SIM cards, there are now a few options. So of course you can physically buy a sim card in your destination country, or you can actually download an e sim card and use that.
I think there are a few options out there, so definitely do your research and apparently the directions can be a little bit confusing depending on which one you do choose. So again, ensure you choose the cost that's right for you and what the best option for you might be. Again, research, research, research.
Obviously a data plan from your provider is also an option, and we do recommend having at least one phone with coverage to be safe. Now speaking of potentially losing your phone keep it out of plain view when traveling, especially if you are in a high traffic area or even like sitting at a Streetside cafe, I actually follow a comedian online and she had her phone laying on a table at a cafe in Paris.
Someone literally ran by, swiped it and poof, they were gone. So was their phone. Obviously phone theft is prevalent due to the resale value, so be phone safe at all times.
Jenn: Hmm.
Meggan: And then I have a bonus tip for everybody.
Jenn: Love a bonus tip.
Meggan: I know. This last one is a surprise 'cause it's kind of going against all the other tips.
But it is to actually disconnect from your phone. So we're so connected these days that whenever possible and safe to do so, of course you won't need it. Put your phone in another room, turn it off, leave it behind when you go out if it's safe again, to do so. Just spend some time in the moment and make memories you don't need to share with everybody else.
Just set your phone down and, and be in the moment, and I don't think we do that enough now. So, Jenn, which one of these tips or hacks was your fav? Anything you'd like to add to the list?
Jenn: Hmm. I don't think I have anything to add. The, the flight sharing, the flight number thing, I did not know. So that is very cool.
I always, I. Take pictures and videos of everything. So I think that's a really great tip. And like, just like screenshotting things on your phone
Meggan: Yeah.
Jenn: Is really helpful if you are in a place where you don't have internet access or data's not working. 'cause I've had that happen and it's very annoying.
And so when you have screenshots, at least you have something.
Meggan: Exactly. Awesome. Well that's it this week for Travel Tip Tuesday. We hope you enjoyed the list. If you have a phone hack you feel we should know about, no gatekeeping travel hacks around here, so make sure that you share with us. So until next time, thank you as always for listening.
You can find us on social media at Travel Mug Podcast or on our website travel mug podcast.com. Support the show by buying us a coffee. The link is in the show notes or be kind and leave us a review on Apple or Spotify. And we hope you have a really great day. Talk to y'all soon. Bye
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