Laws You Should Know Before You Travel
When you get out into the world, it is so important to understand the laws of the land you are visiting.
There are of course general universal laws that most places abide by however tune into this week’s Travel Tip Tuesday to hear about some truly unusual laws that will make you think twice about where you are going next.
Where it is illegal to build a sandcastle and could lead to a hefty fine!? We guess you will have to tune in to find out!
Inspired by: 28 Unusual Laws In The World To Watch Out For While Travelling
Podcast Transcript
TTT Travel Laws
Jenn: Hey everyone. Welcome back to Travel Tip Tuesday with the Travel Mug Podcast. So this week, Meggan, I stumbled upon an article titled 28 Unusual Travel Laws. And I thought it was interesting. And I'll share the link to the article in the show notes, but I thought I'd share a few of them here that are things that I didn't think of before.
So, first of all, you can't wear camouflage clothing in some Caribbean countries. So, Barbados, St. Vincent, and St. Lucia, wearing camouflage of any kind is banned unless you're in the army. And this extends to, like, purses, belts, shoes. It also extends to children and it extends to any color of camo, gray, green, blue, any of them. And you can be fined for wearing it. So yeah, and it's just something that, you know, in North America, a lot of us just Wear camo, like, shirt or shorts, or even I've seen people with, um, like hats, like a baseball cap that has camo on it. And, yeah, you, you should not pack those when you go there.
Meggan: All right?
Good to keep in mind.
Jenn: it's not something I would think of to, like, Google ahead of time. But
Meggan: No.
Jenn: just something to keep in mind. Now this next one, never would have thought of, but building a sand castle is illegal on some beaches in Spain. Very random. I don't know why it's illegal, but it is. And you can be fined anywhere from 100 euros to 1500 euros.
Meggan: Is that based on the size of your castle?
Jenn: I don't know. It's, uh, just don't do it. I
Meggan: Okay.
Jenn: Yeah. And then this next one, I don't know if you're the type of person out there who wears high heels on vacation. I know I'm not, or ever in my life, but anyway, um, high heels are banned at specific sites in Greece. Um, just, yeah, don't do it at the Acropolis and the Colosseum as well. And that's just to protect, of course, the stones that you are walking on. So just, it makes sense. But if you happen to be wearing heels that day, maybe just throw a pair of flats in your bag. So Meggan, have you
Meggan: your, I was just saying, save your heels for like your dinner out that evening.
Jenn: Yeah, definitely. So Meggan, have you heard of any of these before or have you heard of any other like travel rules or laws that might not be as well known?
Meggan: I mean, none off the top of my head, but I think that in the past that we have sort of talked about a couple of strange things that you wouldn't consider. And I, that's why it always though, and this article is really interesting because it comes back to what we talk about a lot, which is understanding where you're going.
Yeah. These are things you would never dream of. And if you didn't look it up and you wore your camo skirt, I mean, that could be bad. And skirt and shorts and hats are things you would wear in places like Barbados and St. Lucia. So I think maybe, you know, understanding the rules and the laws, but also reading this article, just, it's also just interesting because you're just like, how did this come to be?
Like, who hurt you? Why, why,
Jenn: can't I build a sandcastle?
Meggan: sandcastle ever do to you? So, yes, I've heard of strange, uh, rules and laws before, but some of these sort of take the cake, so very interesting.
Jenn: Yeah, it definitely reiterates the fact that a research goes a long way. So that is all we have for this week. Thank you for tuning into the Travel Mug Podcast. You can find us on our website, travel mug podcast.com, on Facebook and Instagram at Travel Mug Podcast. And we'd love to hear from you if you have, uh, travel anywhere and there are any weird rules or laws that might not be well known.
So let us know and until next time, bye.
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