Tips For Visiting Europe
If you’re visiting Europe from Canada or North America, there are some things you may not expect!
We share some things that you might want to bring with you from home, and what to expect from our experience.
We haven’t seen all of Europe yet, so this might not be everywhere!
Podcast Transcript
TTT 19
Jenn: Hey, everyone. Welcome back to travel tip Tuesday. Um, Since we both just got back from Europe, I thought it would be funny and appropriate to do a quick things you should know before you go to Europe. If you're coming from Canada slash like north America.
Meggan: Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
Jenn: Just a few things that we've kind of both noticed while we were traveling. And some things you should pack with you before you go. And obviously I haven't been to all of Europe, but
Meggan: I mean, I think something we should preface as well as dear Europe. We love you. Like,
Jenn: we love you so much.
Meggan: we're so not dissing you. These are just interesting little factoids that made us go Hmm.
Jenn: Things that I didn't expect. Especially like the first time I was going to Europe, just things that I took for granted here that I didn't realize were everywhere.
Meggan: exactly. What do you got first?
Jenn: Face cloths. They don't really exist and I don't know why.
Meggan: I don't know why I've even talked to Europeans and no one seems to have an answer. I don't know. I mean, I shower with one, so I enjoy a good face cloth. I was going to take some, but then I'm like, I didn't wanna dispose of them. And then I didn't wanna drag around wet ones. And I was just like, you know what, I'm gonna have to just go with it. But it is odd.
Jenn: It is odd. I did pack a couple from home and just a Ziploc bag to put them in. If they were wet. And we had laundry facilities in like three of the five places.
Meggan: Oh, cool. Cool.
Jenn: So I just threw them in with my laundry whenever we were doing them. But yeah, if you want those, take them with you because
Meggan: I just, not, someone knows the why. Like if someone does, I mean, it's fine. Everywhere is different, but I'd love to know why.
Jenn: No. Yeah, same. Also there probably won't be screens on the windows. Um, So if you wanna breeze, it comes with bugs and in Scotland, it came with tiny midges, no see-ems that were horrible.
Meggan: like, I don't understand this either. Cuz like I underst- we all wanna breeze.
Jenn: Yeah.
Meggan: A fresh breeze is lovely. But why don't you want one without bugs?
Jenn: I don't know.
Meggan: . I don't get it again. If someone knows the answer to this, please get back to us.
Jenn: Top sheets don't seem to exist. It's just the duvet, which was, is fine, except when it's hot and you can't open the window. There's no air condition.
Meggan: Yeah.
Jenn: I like something on me. I'm one of those sleepers. I want, want something covering me, even if it's just a top sheet. I did, I'm in like a Scotland travel Facebook group and there were people packing top sheets in the,
Meggan: oh wow. They're serious about their top sheets.
Jenn: I know. And like we said, air conditioning, isn't a thing, but it doesn't usually get that hot. So.
Meggan: But climate change is coming people and you gonna need some AC and if not, at least a screen.
Jenn: Yeah. you gotta pick one,
Meggan: pick one and go with it.
Jenn: Carry change for bathroom breaks. Places or like me you'll charge 40 cents to your credit card cuz you need to pee.
Meggan: We did that as well. A Euro please. Okay. Take my visa. I need to pee.
Jenn: I just need to pee!
Meggan: Yeah. Ridiculous
Jenn: restaurants close early or may not be open on Sundays. Yep. And indeed, and also they close on non Sundays, they seemed to close earlier than we were used to.
Meggan: And then some take longer lunch breaks. Just aren't open at all.
Jenn: I mean, the afternoon, if you wanna eat at 3:00 PM, you are in trouble in a lot of places.
Meggan: Yeah. So sorry for you grab a snack.
Jenn: Yeah. Yeah. We did a lot of Tesco
Meggan: yes. Love a Tesco or Lidl one of the two.
Jenn: And we found traveling as a group that restaurants do not split bills. Or if they do split it, they'll split it equally. So most of the time we got the bill all in one. And then we got out our calculators and figured out who was paying.
Meggan: Oh, see, I never went through that piece. That's good to know.
Jenn: Yeah. It, every time we asked them to split the bill, they were like what like really? Okay. That's fine. Whatever.
Meggan: Sure. and those are all really things. I, 100% noticed all those things as well. And the only one I wanted to add to that myself, cuz this is a very comprehensive list of, of interesting tidbits is the toilet paper.
I, I, I just simply don't understand what you have against soft toilet paper. we came home and, and Peter's like the toilet paper here at our house feels like a silk blanket. I'm like, I know I'm like why you into the rough TP people?
Jenn: I didn't notice.
Meggan: Maybe Scotland has some soft, because someone chimed in and said that England now is into soft toilet paper. And I'm like, well, I'm not in England, so that's not helping me.
Jenn: I didn't find that I also use thin-ish toilet paper at home. It's like, A box from staples that like, there's no plastic and it's all recycled, cuz that's the way I roll I guess. And right. It's not the softest softest or thickest toilet paper. So maybe I'm just used to it.
Meggan: Yeah, no, this was thick. Let me say that this was not a problem. It was just painful. And like, and I pity the fool that has like a stomach bug.
Jenn: Oh yeah.
Meggan: You won't be able to walk for a day, but anyway, thank God that didn't happen to me, but I digress. I had to add that to the list. Cause the TP. It wasn't cool.
Jenn: Gosh. So for this travel tip Tuesday um, make sure to check out my trip report from Scotland that was released last week. And next week we get to chat with Meggan about her trip to Germany, Austria, Switzerland. Italy for lunch, crazy person
Meggan: Liechtenstein for lunch. Oh, you'll hear all about it.
Jenn: You can find us on our social media travel mug podcast on our website, travel mug, podcast.com. Consider leaving us review apple podcast for Spotify and supporting us on buy me a coffee and share the show with a travel living pal. I know it's a lot of things, but you can do it, I promise
Meggan: we believe in you.
Jenn: we'll chat soon. Bye
Meggan: bye everyone.
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