How To Store Your Travel Photos
Travel photos are our sacred memories. We upload them to Instagram and we share them on Facebook but a lot of people don’t do anything else with them!
Jenn talks to us about the importance of backing up your pictures. She explores options like the cloud or an external hard drive even printing your photos as keepsakes like back in the old days!
No one ever thinks a hard drive crash will happen to them until it does and then what about your memories? Don’t let that happen to you!
Podcast Transcript
TTT 29
Jenn: Hey everyone. Welcome back to Travel Tip Tuesday. I know we've talked about travel photos before. We've talked about using Flytographer and we've talked about getting other people to take your photos, but I wanna talk about what happens when you come home from your trip with the photo.
Meggan: Besides being sad.
Jenn: Yes, , besides posting all your photos on Facebook, which is great.
Meggan: Yes.
Jenn: But photos are really what we have when we come home. We have our photos and our memories and our travel journal, if that's what you do. And I love to go back through my travel photos and look through them often, and I wanna make sure that they are safe.
So backing up your travel photos somewhere to make them digitally safe, just in case, you never know if something's gonna happen to your laptop, your phone, your camera, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I have an external hard drive where I put most of our travel photos. from my last trip to Disney I've actually uploaded all of my travel photos to a Google Drive so that I was able to share that with my friend that I went on the trip with. So I uploaded all of my pictures to the Google Drive. She uploaded all of hers, and then we had all of each other's photos. I probably still will put them on the external hard drive as well.
But it is nice to know that, you know, you could do it in the cloud or you can do like, it's, there's a billion ways to back things up.
Meggan: Yeah.
Jenn: And I do also keep my camera memory cards as well, instead of like deleting them when it's fault, I just keep the little card. So there's just a million ways that you can back up these photos, but they're really precious and you just don't want to to lose them. Right,
Meggan: right.
Jenn: Something else that I'm guilty of is not getting those photos printed. I used to be like a very in, into scrapbooking, but that takes a lot of time and I just kind of got away from doing it and now I have boxes with a bunch of stuff in them, but I haven't gotten photos printed in a long time. So I think one of my winter projects is to kind of print some photos, get things organized. I also do wanna hang things up on the wall. If any of you are watching this on YouTube, you'll notice this giant blank wall behind me. .
Meggan: It should be your travel wall, if anywhere.
Jenn: That is the intention. Just haven't done it yet.
Meggan: I understand the struggle. Don't worry.
Jenn: Some day someday you'll come on and be like, She finally did it. .
Meggan: Yay.
Jenn: So Meggan, like, what do you do with your travel photos? Do you back them up in any way?
Meggan: So I have to say, surprisingly, I am not organized when it comes to my photos, but as soon as we get home, Peter takes both of our phones, downloads everything. He even edits them. He dates them and he names them. And then he backs them up. So unfortunately I rely on a whole different person to do this for me, . But it does get done every single time. The only thing I wanted to mention about Google Drive, and I could be wrong, but, and just in case, is I think you only have X amount of storage until you have to pay.
Jenn: Yeah.
Meggan: So I think that's something to keep in mind there if people are using that. Cause I think that changed in June of 2022 maybe.
Jenn: Right.
Meggan: And then as far as printing, I never print photos. I have enough stuff. I feel like, Yeah. In like I'm already stuff overloaded now. I do have a close friend and she prints so many pictures, but she works with seniors and it's a really great thought process because she actually puts them in albums and writes beside them because she works with a lot of seniors who have Alzheimer's or dementia and she wants, if she ever is in that situation, to actually have the stuff with the memories written and in order, et cetera, which is a very admirable way. And I mean, two, you can enjoy them now, but you can also enjoy them later. So I think there is definitely place for that. I just don't do it because a. I'm lazy and b, I, again, have enough stuff around. So I think that that's what's held me back. But I think it's a, a really great idea to keep your memories and have something physical. So things are definitely backed up, but I don't have anything to hold.
Jenn: Fair. Totally fair. Yeah, . All right, well that's all we have for this week's travel Tip Tuesday. You can support the show on Buy Me a Coffee similar to Patreon. We'll give you access to fun stuff like bloopers. Except we're always Perfect.
Meggan: I mean, always . There's like, there's a few that we could share maybe.
Jenn: Ooh.
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That's so, so much. And we'd love to chat with you on social media. Let us know what you do with your photos. If you have any creative ways you can find us at Travel Mug Podcast. Or you can visit our website, travel mug podcast.com. For more episodes, more resources, and we will chat with you soon.
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