Finding Facebook Groups To Plan Travel
Facebook has its issues however it can be a great resource when it comes to travel planning!
We are currently or have in the past both made use of travel groups to help us figure out places to eat, what to see, information regarding travel passes and more from dedicated destination Facebook groups.
It can take a bit of trial and error to find a group that is right for you and what you are looking to learn but when you do – it can be so useful as you plan your next trip. You might even end up visiting somewhere you hadn’t planned based on your newfound group!
These groups can be great for advice, important travel info and insider info – just always be sure to verify the information when possible! Happy Planning!
Podcast Transcript
TTT 22 FB pages
Meggan: Hey, everyone. And welcome back to travel tip Tuesday with the travel mug podcast.
Jenn: Yay. .
Meggan: Um, So this week I wanted to talk about something that I know Jenn and I both do and has really been helpful. And that is joining. Travel pages such as those on Facebook which center around upcoming destinations that you might have in mind. Now I do wanna preface this by saying of course there's a lot of issues with Facebook as a whole but just like the internet there are upsides to Facebook and this is one I have found really useful are these travel pages.
So there's some groups. And I don't know if you found this Jenn, but that are more sort of pics and destination info only, but I try to find the ones that have a great administrator who keep a tight reign on the content, meaning there's no spam. And also that kind of has engaging group members who share tips and tricks and ask each other a lot of questions.
That's where I find I learn the most. Now I was in a Germany one and it was just mostly look at this beautiful picture. Well, that's lovely. I probably want a bit more information and that's where kind of trial and error comes. The great thing about joining a group is you can leave it just as quickly um, but before you find a group, you probably are gonna have to look around a bit, but it can really help in your planning.
So. Tips of places you may not have heard of uh, you can't know everything about a country. And so many people have traveled to so many different places. I was in one particular for like far longer due to COVID than I should have been in this group. But about Switzerland, it was run by a wonderful woman in New Zealand.
She really just had a passion for the country. So she started a podcast about it, and then she started a Facebook page and she was very engaged. Kept things very focused. And because of this, the people that joined also were the same because she really sort of kept up with the content. The group helped me discover new destinations. I bought a travel pass for the Alps based on recommendations from the groups. I knew I'd be fine to sort of not really have cash and just use a credit card based on what people were talking about. So those are really helpful tips that I was able to get from that group. Upcoming we're contemplating Bulgaria. So I've been searching for the right group for me on Facebook as well to sort of get some tips and tricks for there. But I really can't say enough that if you find the right group, it can really help impact positively on your trip. Have you? I know like you we've talked about this briefly, so you've had this experience before as well,
Jenn: for sure. And I find that the best groups, the best groups that I've been in have been run by travel bloggers who like are specific to like the area. They just tend to run like a tighter ship than like a, some random person.
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: In my, in my experience, I do love them. And I'm in several kind of general travel groups. One's called girls love travel. It's absolutely massive. And a lot of people asking, just kind of like general travel questions or more specific travel questions and then one for food allergies as well, which I find really helpful, but also when you're in a specific destination, you can get like restaurant recommendations, which we did for Scotland.
Um, Yeah, the one I was in for Scotland was really, really helpful run by a travel blogger, who's great, the Wayfairing Kiwi. Yeah, too. I'm also in Disney, a ton of Disney travel groups. Some of them are more On topic than others, I guess you could say but good for general, like questions and advice.
I find these group groups are really, really good for like boots on the ground type. Like people who either live there or were recently there, and you can get a lot of good tips. Whereas some of the information on the internet might be a bit outdated and especially where things have been changing so much over the last couple of years is just really helpful to have someone's like real life experience that was recent.
Meggan: Yeah. And one thing I will caution with that too, because things change so much these days is that if you do read something there, just try to verify it because it is still just Facebook at the end of the day, but you're exactly right. There's often people to stay in those groups who have just been.
Yeah. And so they're like, actually I was just there: X, Y, and Z. So that's really helpful as well. And people love to talk about their travels.
Jenn: We do
Meggan: so anytime. So anytime someone, you know, you ask a question, if someone's just done it, they're gonna tell you about it. So I really do find these groups helpful.
I can't recommend them enough, but it's really gonna be about what do you want your Facebook feed to look like? Cuz some things are just overused for no reason. And it's like spammy in your timeline. Just try to find the right one for you. And they can be super helpful
Jenn: for sure. Yeah,
Meggan: indeed. Well, that is it for this week's travel tip Tuesday, as you plan your getaways, joining a page could be useful. Hopefully you get some great tips if you know of any great pages that are even. General ones, leave us a comment or let us know about those. We'd love to sort of learn about anything additional in regards to that.
As always though, if you like what we're doing here and you wanna support the show, you can buy us a coffee with a link in the show notes, leave us a five star review if, if that suits your fancy on. Five stars on either Spotify or apple podcast. Share the show with someone. I mean, you never know what people are looking to do in terms of their travels. And you can find us on all the socials at travel mug podcast, and until next time save travels.
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