Disney World: New Rides, Using Genie+, Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party
Jenn has finally made it back to Walt Disney World in Orlando and she has updates and new themed ears!
Tune in to hear what has changed, what hasn’t, new rides, old favourites and everything in between. She also chats about her experience at Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party.
Disney wasn’t her only adventure – Jenn also recounts her tight connection times and why she will not be doing that again!
Hip hip hooray for getting back to places we love!
Podcast Transcript
TMPE62 - Jenn's Disney Trip
Meggan: Hey everyone and welcome back to the Travel Mug Podcast after lots of anticipation and waiting, Jenn is a trip report as she recently made her way to the happiest place on Earth Disney. Jenn, like, first of all, so happy you made it back safely, but also I cannot wait. I'm sure our listeners are the same, to finally hear how a post pandemic trip to Disney went so, let's not wait any longer. Do tell
Jenn: I will. Meggan received many panicked texts on one day, so I'm very excited to share the entire story with her. But yes, I finally made it back to Disney World after three years. So as I've said before, Disney is one of my favorite places and we intend to go yearly-ish. Before the pandemic, we had been averaging every like 16 months-ish. Of course then pandemic happened and I haven't been there since December, 2019. And a lot of things had changed. New rides had opened new shows. There was, a lot of new stuff. My friend was making fun of me because I usually I don't need a map, you know, the map is in my brain and then when I go to one of the parks and there's walls where there wasn't walls before, and I'm like,
Meggan: this map is equaling out. Well, I can't wait to hear about all the changes, but you know, Having said that though, was it good for you to have something that looked different? Like did that make the experience better for you?
Jenn: It was really fun to see new things I right. I love to watch Disney. YouTube I've mentioned before that there's a YouTuber I follow called the Tim Tracker, and I have purposely avoided some of his videos so that some rides and shows wouldn't have gotten spoiled for me that cuz I wanted to see them in person first.
So, yes. I booked this trip pretty last minute as far as Disney is concerned. We booked it in August and then we were just there October 17th to 20th. So we were there for three and a half days. That's a much shorter trip than my usual. I usually go for a full week. But listen, we had to do it. We had to do ,
Meggan: right? These are different times.
Jenn: Yes. I was, I was a little worried like going into this trip just because things had changed. The way the parks worked, you now have to make reservations for which park you're going to go to, which you didn't have to do that before. They had painted my beloved castle kind of a different color scheme.
Meggan: Oh!
Jenn: I know. And. I will say that I do not love the new paint. So that was a little sad. Um, I was just kind of scared that the, the magic would be gone for me after being away for so long and after, after changes.
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: But it, it really wasn't like once I got there despite things being a little bit different, it definitely felt like settling into an old I don't know, old habit, Old
Meggan: A warm hug.
Jenn: Yes. A familiar place. This episode isn't going to be like a technical how to plan a Disney trip. I'm gonna share what we did. I did ask on Instagram if people were interested in like a planning Disney type of episodes, and you were. So I think probably in the new year we'll do a couple of those. I'll try not to get too Disney jargony, but Disney has. A lot of their own jargons. .
Meggan: Right. I'll, Well, we'll see. .
Jenn: All right. Let's start with the flight down and
Meggan: why don't we?
Jenn: And the drama that ensued. .So we flew Halifax, Montreal, Orlando. With a planned one hour layover in Montreal. If you're listening to our episodes, before I left, you knew I was very stressed about this.
Meggan: potentially with good reason.
Jenn: Oh, for, for very good reason. Cuz an hour layover isn't really an hour, is it? Like,
Meggan: No.
Jenn: So they don't account for the fact that, you know, you, we close the doors 15 minutes before takeoff, so that's automatically 15. Gone. That's 45 minutes. And then your arrival time is not the time that they attach the jet bridge and you get off. It's the time the wheels hit the ground. Right? So there's another like 10, 15 minutes. So you're already down to like, 30, 35 minutes.
Meggan: You have 12 minutes to make your a connection.
Jenn: Listen, it's not even it. And then customs and security and blah, blah, blah. So we finally get off the plane, we hustle. We're not running at this point, but we hustle and do customs. And there's no, there's a line, like there's a, or we do security first and then customs. So we get in the customs line. And there's a lot of people and we're like, Okay, well that's really not good. And so we're like, Okay, well what else can you do? Like we gotta wait in this line. I don't know what else to do.
And then there's a guy pushing his way. And I'm like, Excuse me, we all have connections to make. And he was like, Well, mine leaves in five minutes. And I was like, So does mine. And he was like, Well, let's go. And I was like, Oh my God, I really feel
Meggan: you can't beat them join.
Jenn: That was exactly the moment that it was like, okay. But then it kind of started a whole lot of people, of course, like pushing their way through. So it was a little bit of a mess, but. Anyway, we got through customs and we ran, and by some miracle the plane was still there. They had they had held the plane because there were so many people not on it that were supposed to be on it, so,
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: Anyway, we got there. And then the plane tried to take off and had a mechanical problem, so then we sat there for another 25 minutes. .
Meggan: Right, Right.
Jenn: So we left an hour later than we were planning to. But anyway, we got to Orlando, no problem. We took an Uber to our hotel, so we were staying at the Disney's All Star Sports Resort. So it's a value resort. It's def it's their cheapest, basically.
Meggan: Yeah.
Jenn: It's my third time staying there and it is fine.. It has,
Meggan: That's where I stayed as well.
Jenn: Yeah, it, it's kind of motel ish. They had redone the rooms since the last time I was there. We stayed actually one room beside. The room that we had stayed in in December of 2019, so that was pretty funny.
Meggan: Yeah.
Jenn: But they'd redone the rooms. They were really nicely redone, comfortable, totally fine, exactly what we needed. Weren't,
Meggan: and not why you're there.
Jenn: So not why I'm there.
Meggan: Yeah, exactly. So that's, so the fact that they'd even redone them was just a bonus, it sounds like.
Jenn: Yeah, it did. Now it has a coffee maker. It didn't have that before and that was real nice. ,
Meggan: we love, we love, we love coffee in our travel mugs.
Jenn: We love that. Yes. So that first day we finally got to go to a park. We went to Epcot first. So this time of year, Fall, is Epcot's Food and Wine Festival. So they have some booths and all of the booths are themed mostly to countries around the world with different food items. So we got some booth food and It, Some of it is a bit expensive for the portion size that you get.
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: And some of it is an okay value, but, and it's all delicious. . I can't complain about the taste.
Meggan: Now, can I ask, is there a reason you went to Epcot first?
Jenn: Yes. And it had to do with the fact that one of my friends works at Epcot. She performs in the Voices of Liberty. And so this was the only time that we were there that she was going to be performing.
Meggan: Oh, nice.
Jenn: Yeah. So that was that's why we chose Epcot that day so that we could see her perform. So that's what we did. We rode some rides. She performed in the last show at 4:45, so we got to see her and met up with her husband and we had dinner in Epcot at a new restaurant that's has just opened in the last year, I think.
So la Creperie de Paris it was a crepe restaurant. It was quite delicious.
Meggan: Nice. I love a crepe restaurant.
Jenn: Oh, it was so good. I really enjoyed it. The evening we did some more rides and headed back to our room to sleep cuz we were very tired.
Meggan: I bet. So. But it sounds like a great first day.
Jenn: It was besides the stress of the running.
Meggan: Sure, yeah. , besides the adrenaline rush, it sounds delightful.
Jenn: That's that part. , once we got there, it was all good ,
Meggan: right.
Jenn: So the next day we did Magic Kingdom course, had to go see the castle. We did, we'd got. Mm, Mid morning, I think we did a few rides and then we took a break back at our hotel because we were going back in the evening for Mickey's not so scary Halloween party.
So the Halloween party is, It's a separately ticketed event, so it's not included in your regular day pass. You do have to pay for it separately. The party officially kicks off at 7:00 PM but with your party ticket, you can enter at 4:00 PM.
Meggan: Okay.
Jenn: Which was a nice little bonus. Just get a lot of people don't bother doing a park ticket for that day and then just, you know, rest up and then get in at four.
We wanted to make sure we had time to do what we wanted to do, so we went
Meggan: right
Jenn: as well. So at the party you can like meet characters that aren't out at any other time. So Jack Skellington and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas are a huge draw. Their line gets extremely long, like hours long to meet them.
I've never done it because it's not worth it to me. ,
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: There's also like, you can meet regular characters in Halloween outfits like Mickey, Daisy, Donald. That Mi Mickey Minnie- did I say both of them anyway? So typically the, the party, the, the ride wait times are shorter as well. So we did some rides, we met some characters. And then for us, for me, the big draw of the Halloween party is the special shows, the shows that aren't shown at any other day. So there's a Halloween parade that has such a catchy song. You will never get it out of your head. You'll sing it the whole rest of that night.
Meggan: amazing.
Jenn: And if you want listen to it, I'm sure there's lots of videos on YouTube, but yeah, very catchy. There's a stage show with the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus and a lot of the other villains come out for that one. And then fireworks Halloween,
Meggan: right?
Jenn: I love that firework show. It's my second time seeing it. This is the second time that I've done the party and it's such a fun show. They do like projections on the castle and music and fireworks, so very fun. The Halloween party fun. Also, the only time that adults are allowed to dress in costumes, so usually they have rules about adults not being able to dress as characters. But adults can
Meggan: probably a good rule in a kid's park.
Jenn: I mean, it's, but yeah I was actually really disappointed in like the lack of costumes and I don't know, I don't know why, like, when I went in 2018 was the last time I did the Halloween party.
There was a, like, it seemed like everybody was in costume and then this time it seemed half the people were in costume.
Meggan: Hmm.
Jenn: Which I found very interesting. We dressed up, of course we were at Minnie and Daisy, if you're watching this video, I'm wearing my Minnie ears, if you're not watching the video you can imagine.
Um, And at the Halloween party they also do trick or treating. They give you a bag when you get into the park and you get your wristband for the party and then you can go around to different trick or treating stations and they give you candy. I only went to two stations and still got plenty of candy. I didn't wanna get too much because I had to bring it home, cause, and I only had carry-on.
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: But I've seen like pictures of people going to the Halloween party and getting 30 pounds of candy. And that is insane
Meggan: Wowsers
Jenn: I know. So the party ends at midnight and then we went back to our
Meggan: look at you up at midnight.
Jenn: I know it was a late night for us and then
Meggan: love it.
Jenn: The next day we had big plans, which was not our best idea, but.
Meggan: Do tell. I wanna hear all about it.
Jenn: Okay. So the next day we were planning to hit up three parks in one day. So we, we had very little sleep. My friend that I was traveling with woke up in time to purchase Genie Plus. Which if you have been to Disney before, is similar to the old Fast Pass or Fast Pass,
Meggan: Okay. Yep.
Jenn: System. So basically you're, you have to pay for it and you're paying to book a time on a ride so you don't have to stand in the regular queue. The. The prices change depending on the day and the season. We paid 20 US dollars per person to use it for that day.
Meggan: That doesn't seem crazy at all.
Jenn: I, I, it's not, I it is. If you're a family of four,
Meggan: sure
Jenn: it is. If you're using it every day of your vacation. It's I, Anyway, I'll keep explaining and then I'll talk about whether or not I thought it was worth it. .
Meggan: All right.
Jenn: So not all of the rides are on the Genie plus there is one ride in each park. The biggest, most popular ride, of course that you're able to pay to ride that one ride.
So we paid to ride Star Wars: rise of the resistance. We hadn't been on it before. Wait times are consistently long, like hours long. Last week, the week before we left, I looked and it was like a seven hour wait for this ride.
Meggan: Oh my gosh,
Jenn: yes. So riding that also costs 20 US dollars per person.
Meggan: Okay. We're starting to add up here, Jenny
Jenn: yeah. Yeah. Disney. Yeah. . So was Genie Plus worth it? Possibly. We rode nine rides. In, in over the three parks that day.
Meggan: Okay.
Jenn: And then some of those rides had weights that were too, like an hour or too long. So did it save us some time? Yes. Yeah, that day we tried to finish. The day with fireworks at Magic Kingdom and the park was packed. They were making announcements that Main Street usa, which is the road that we castle, was at capacity. And it was crazy. And as a short person who was like five feet tall, when you're in a crowd of that many people, It can feel extremely claustrophobic.
Meggan: Mm-hmm. ,
Jenn: and we decided to bail. We're like, You know what, no, I'm tired. We've done a lot today. We were up late, and then we got up early and I'm done. .
Meggan: Yeah. I could see that. I remember being a hundred percent exhausted every single day. So I totally see that.
Jenn: Yeah. Yeah. I, I, I mean, I have a little bit of, of regrets of not being able to see that firework show in person. Mostly because it is ending in March. We might make it back in February, but I don't know. So it is what it is. I didn't see it. We bailed.
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: So the next day, our last day, we went to Animal Kingdom. Got to ride to few of our favorites. So we did Kilimanjaro Safaris, we did Avatar, Flight of Passage, which we paid 13 US dollars to ride that one to avoid the 90 minute wait. The friend I was traveling with, she's gluten free, so Disney is great with food allergies, so Disney food was on her priority list. So there's a restaurant animal Kingdom called the Nomad Lounge. They have gluten free churros, so she loves that place. So we went over there. There was like an hour. They said it was an hour wait to get a table. They took our phone number and they would text us when it was ready. So 90 minutes later we're like, perfect. It's like two o'clock in the afternoon. We ordered some like lattes and we ordered some food, like actual food before we got churros I had like two bites of this delicious chicken and rice and veggie bowl. And then the fire alarm went off , and
Meggan: oh,
Jenn: we had to be evacuated away from our lunch.
Meggan: And did you, was it like a portable bowl?
Jenn: I should have grabbed it. I did not.
Meggan: I literally saw that food and I thought, Well, she's posting it so I know she's safe. But b did she take the food with her?
Jenn: No, I should.
Meggan: This was literally my thought process.
Jenn: I should have taken the food and the coffee, but I didn't. A lady took her glass of wine. We saw her walking away from her glass of wine.
Meggan: priority. See that lady? That lady knew
Jenn: we were, It was just so like, I mean, obviously I've never been evacuated from a restaurant before at all, and not at Disney. We were just like, What is going on? We were sitting outside too, so it was just like, Anyway, it was really weird. So anyway, they were like we'll text you when we're able to reopen. They weren't sure if there was an actual fire or if somebody just pulled the thing, but the fire department of course has to come and check everything over.
Meggan: Yeah.
Jenn: And make sure everything's okay. So we did get to go back and I ordered my chicken bowl again and we got some churros and we had another coffee and everything was okay.
Meggan: Wonderful. I'm glad at least you got to re-enjoy it was for the second time.
Jenn: It was wild. It was a delicious chicken. I was so sad when we had, I mean, you could still like see our table , but my food's right there.
Meggan: My food's right there. I shoulda taken that. Yeah.
Jenn: Oh, oh, next time. Next time I'll take this.
Meggan: That's right. Priorities, Jenn.
Jenn: Priorities. So the last evening of our trip, we went back over to Epcot. There was a few more rides we wanted to do. We were planning on having dinner in Epcot but because our lunch got pushed to four o'clock, we were not hungry for dinner.
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: So we really wanted to ride Remy's Ratatouille Adventure. It was new to us. It had opened in the last year. The posted wait time was 80 minutes and we're like, Well, let's get in line. We ended up waiting for over two hours and it wasn't really worth that wait, which is sad. It was, it's very screen heavy, so like a lot of watching screens. And for me, as a person who does get motion sickness, yeah, I had to shut my eyes a lot on that one. So that was unfortunate.
Meggan: Yeah, that happened with us too. My dad, we all get motion sickness, but my dad gets it the worst. And there was the Bart Simpson ride, like this was 2011 and he sweat right through his shirt onto me.
It was no, yeah, it was not good. And then we waited really long in line for the Harry Potter ride, which was new at the time. Yeah. And that also had some screens, but it wasn't as screen oriented and he did much better than that. So I totally understand what you're saying.
Jenn: That's funny. Cause we, we went to Universal in, in 2011 and rode the Harry Potter ride and it was the first thing we did and I was outta commission for the rest of the day. I was severely
Meggan: really?
Jenn: On that one. Yeah, that one was rough. And I, I don't do like at Disney, I do not do Star Tours at all. I can't do it. The there's a new ride Guardians of the Galaxy Ride at Epcot that I didn't even attempt to go on because I had heard so many things about people who are prone to motion sickness, getting like really sick on that one. And I was like, Not worth it. So I just
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: Didn't do that one.
Meggan: Can I ask if you rode the Tower of Terror?
Jenn: We did not. We talked,
Meggan: That's devastating.
Jenn: I know. I do like the Tower of Terror. We talked about it. The wait time was really long and we couldn't get like a Genie Plus for it that day.
Meggan: Mm-hmm.
Jenn: So we ended up not riding it, which is kind of unfortunate cuz I. Like that one.
Meggan: I like it a lot. That's probably was my fav. All right, carry on. I'd love to hear more about these wait times.
Jenn: Let's talk about the wait times because I did a very interesting experiment, which I've never done before. I took notes of every ride that we rode, the posted wait times, what time we got in line, and what time we got on the ride. So I have the data from all of. All of our rides. We rode 28 rides over the three and a half days, and only three times did we wait longer than what was posted. Almost every single time it was shorter than what was posted. I think there was two times where it was actually the wait time that it was posted.
Meggan: Okay.
Jenn: Some like times it was half
of what was posted or like, even less so,
Meggan: feels like a, a worse case scenario almost. I, in terms of the wait times, ,
Jenn: it's very interesting and I, I. I'll speculate on why they might be doing it. I think they're either a, trying to move people around the park. So you're looking at your app, you're seeing a high wait time over here and a lower wait time over here.
So maybe you'll go over here maybe. B, they're encouraging you to buy Genie Plus so that you think you're saving time in line.
Meggan: I'm gonna go with a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.
Jenn: Yes. Yes. I can't imagine that Disney does not have the technology in place to, They're tracking you where you are in the park. You have your phone, it has Bluetooth. You're looking at the map , they know where people are. You're scanning, you're wearing a Bluetooth enabled magic band that you're scan. They know where people are, right? So in a creepy kind of, Way, in a way. But I mean, we Disney people, we sign up for it. ,
Meggan: every single time.
Jenn: I'll do it with a smile on my face if it has a Mickey on it. , . So a, Anyway, it is really interesting. I've never done an experiment like that before, so I, I can't compare it to any other time
Meggan: right
Jenn: I've gone to Disney. But of course it does make you happy when you wait when it's posted us, you know, when we did safari has posted us 65 minutes and we waited 35. Like that's a huge. Different and, but you're happy about it. So like why do you care?
Meggan: And then you forget like, oh, it was this long. Like, and that's, and that's interesting because you know, it does make you forget that you actually waited at all when you really waited, you know, still 35 minutes of your time.
So it's very, human beings are very interesting creatures.
Jenn: Yeah. The only time, so when we were in the Remy's Ratatouille adventure ride and it was posted as 80 minutes and we're in the line and it was moving, but it wasn't moving very fast, they actually made announcements that the wait time would be longer than was advertised, which I thought was really interesting because I've never heard them do that before, but I assume that they thought people were going to be angry about that.
Meggan: Trying to head that off. Probably
Jenn: So overall, some highlights from our trip was of course, seeing my friend perform at Epcot she has gotten that this role since the last time we were there, so that was really cool to see her.
Meggan: Yeah.
Jenn: The Halloween party. Amazing. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Rise of the resistance. That ride honestly was worth the extra cost in my opinion. It. I'm not even a huge Star Wars person. Like I've seen the movies, but I would not, I'm not a super fan or anything like that.
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: But the ride experience, the whole thing's not a ride, but the experience is like 18 minutes long. So you really, even if you wait a while in line, you feel like you're getting something out of the wait. Whereas like Remy's We waited two hours and it was a three minute ride. So your return on investment doesn't seem right there, .
Meggan: Right. That makes sense.
Jenn: We went to a new. Restaurant sort of it's called the Baseline Tap House in Hollywood Studios. I would say it's a bit of a little hidden gem because it's little like tucked in. We got a giant pretzel and a cider and it was just, just really nice place to like relax and I had never been in. Yeah. And yeah, like I said, I got to ride three new rides to me. So Rise of the Resistance, Remy's Ratatouille Adventure, and Mickey and Minnie's runaway railway. They were all fun.
Meggan: I was. Now overall, before we talk about your adventure home, I, I just had a, a couple of questions, so I wanted to know, and I, while you were gone, I actually read an article on CNN and it was a, an American person speaking in the article, but just sort of talking about being priced out of Disney
Jenn: mm-hmm.
Meggan: that things have just become, and I understand prices have, have risen for everything. But what would you say, like, what's your opinion in terms of maybe last time you were there versus prices now? Have things skyrocketed, some things have, some things haven't. What, what did you notice?
Jenn: Yeah, definitely a lot more add-ons. of course with the like Genie Plus and the purchasing certain rides separately. Food, it's hard for me to compare because in the past we've always done the dining plan. Which can be a good value for your money or can't be depending on your eating habits. I liked it and I think we mostly broke even on it.
I liked it because it was prepaid in advance and you didn't think about it while you were down there. The dining plan is not currently being offered.
Meggan: Oh,
Jenn: and they haven't, they haven't said, Coming back, but they haven't said that it's not coming back. So it's kind of in this weird limbo. As far as like food prices on the menus, I think they're may be a little bit higher, but not crazy.
Of course our Canadian dollar versus the American dollar right now is not
Meggan: garbage. .
Jenn: Oh, that part of course adds onto your, onto your trip. But yes, I mean, Disney. Is a business and they want to milk as much from you as they can get. Ears went up in price by $5 the week before I went. So that was fun.
Meggan: cruel.
Jenn: I still bought two pairs, so like there's, That's there, there it is. Yeah, I mean, they want the most amount of people. In their parks, paying that the most that they can and yeah,
Meggan: they, no, and, and I mean, that makes sense. I, I think it's just one of the, And like, and it's not necessarily just Disney. Every, everywhere is doing it. Everything is doing, It's one of those things I was just reading and it, it is just a shame because that's where little kids wanna go and then their parents have to do if they wanna make that happen for them. Anything they can, and it's just the price is just rising and rising.
And in any major like changes since the, the last time you went that made it better or took away from the experience for you? Or was it just as amazing as you had imagined in the last three years?
Jenn: I would say the changes didn't take away from my experience in a way that I was left feeling disappointed, if that makes sense.
Yeah. The changes in you have to make a park reservation. It, it, it's kind of annoying. It takes away a bit of the, the spontaneity. But. We used to, I mean, we still do make dining reservations in certain parks and previously with the Fast Pass plus system, you could make a Fast pass reservation 60 days in advance. So you were essentially choosing what park you were going to go to that day anyway.
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: So that it is, it is annoying in the fact that you. They can sell out of reservations and you could potentially not get the park you want if you don't make them far enough in advance. The other thing about park hopping, so park hopping is when you go from one park to another in the same day, you have to pay an add on onto your regular ticket in order to do that. It's not included in like a base ticket. Now, right now you can't park hop until 2:00 PM so whatever park you've made a reservation for that day, you have to go to that one first, and then you can't go into another park until 2:00 PM. That part's kind of annoying to me.
Meggan: Okay.
Jenn: Did it take away from our trip at all? No. So. Yeah.
Meggan: Cool. Yeah. Great. All right. Now talk to us about how you got home.
Jenn: Let's talk about going home. So we did the same flight we did Orlando, Montreal, Halifax. Of course, we left Orlando a little late. Of course we did. We got to Montreal. We had to run. We knew this time we knew that we were going to have to run. So we literally got off the plane and we started running customs was quick. Like it didn't, That part didn't really hold us up. We didn't have to go through security again, which I thought was weird.
Meggan: Mm.
Jenn: I, We were going, like, we got off the plane, had to run, went through customs and we just kept, like kept following the signs, kept following the signs and a bunch of places they scanned our boarding pass but we never had to go through security again.
Meggan: Odd,
Jenn: Which was nice because that would held us up. I was also angry because I had thrown out my, I don't know how many dollar bottle of freaking Fiji water I bought from Starbucks that I. Oh, I was like, I could have not thrown that out, but I did right when I was going through security again. Anyway, it's just a long way You, one end of the airport to the other. We ran, we barely made it. I won't book this flight again. I have learned my lesson, .
Meggan: Finally, the lesson is learned
Jenn: oh, and I know Meggan, you're like, Oh, if only someone would've told you not to book connection, you Genius we've talked about, and I think it's because I had never personally had to run to catch a flight.
Meggan: Mm.
Jenn: And now I have, and I, I don't wish to do it again.
Meggan: Yeah. We've ran once and it's, it's no fun. It's a horrid feeling.
Jenn: Oh, it's horrible. It's not. Yeah. So yeah, we got home into Halifax at like 3:30 PM I killed time in Dartmouth Crossing with my friend because I was meeting my family to go to Michael Buble in Halifax.
Meggan: I didn't know you were doing this, and I saw your post at this concert and I thought she has lost her mind.
Jenn: She has lost her mind. She has lost her damn mind. So I zombies my way through the Michael Buble concert, and by the time I got home to Liverpool, I'd been awake for like 23 hours. At don't recommend doing that, the concert really good. I ,
Meggan: I mean that, that's at least something, right?
Jenn: Well, we had bought the Michael Buble concert tickets three years ago because , the was supposed to be in May of 2020, and then it was supposed to be March of 2021, and then it was October, 2022. So when it didn't even feel like it was going to actually happen.
Meggan: Right. Well, that's kind of cool that it actually did.
Jenn: It did actually happen. But yeah, that's it. That was my trip. .
Meggan: That's a whirlwind, man.
Jenn: Well, it's a whirlwind of a week. It's weird that all of that happened in a Monday to Friday span.
Meggan: It is.
Jenn: But I did enjoy getting home on a Friday and then having Saturday Sunday, you, I literally did nothing. I did nothing. I just
Meggan: Good.
Jenn: Sat on the couch and like decompressed from
Meggan: excellent as you should. I mean, what else were you gonna do? My goodness.
Jenn: I was, I was tired. The, the day, like the night before we flew home. I slept for two hour, two and a half hours before we flew home. It was, Yeah,
Meggan: I'm tired just thinking about it.
Jenn: Woo. Me too. But yeah, that's what I did. Like I said earlier, we will do some more like Disney planning type episodes in the new year so we can talk to you about what to do, how to plan, what the heck does Park Hopper, Genie plus all of that crap, even mean cause, Right. Disney's got its own dictionary and it can be overwhelming if you don't know what it.
Meggan: Excellent.
Jenn: Yeah. So that's all we have for this week. I hope you enjoyed it. You can support the show on buy me a Coffee leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Spotify. We love reading those and we would also appreciate it if you shared the show with a travel slash Disney loving pal. And you can find us on our website, travel mug podcast.com.
Social Media at Travel Mug podcast. I'll be sharing all kinds of Disney photos this week and next week. So we'll chat with you again soon. Bye
Meggan: bye everyone.
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