Travel Tip Tuesday

Why You Should Book Ghost Tours

Jenn and her husband have found themselves seeking out Ghost Tours when they visit new towns & cities and there are a few good reasons why!

Firstly, they get to explore their new surroundings on foot in a meaningful way while supporting local and secondly, they get to really understand the history and the background – really immerse themselves while learning in a fun way!

Walking and Ghost Tours can be easily googled and usually aren’t that expensive.

So when you are in your next new town or city, look up the local tours, support local business and have a fun few hours learning about the new spot you are visiting!  It is a win/win!

Podcast Transcript

TTT - Ghost Tours

Jenn: Hey everyone and welcome back to Travel Tip Tuesday with the Travel Mug Podcast. So Meggan, I was just in Bangor, Maine recently for a weekend trip and the purpose of the trip was to go to a Jason Mraz concert. Which was amazing. But of course we looked for other things to do while we were there, and one of the things that we booked was a walking tour of the famed Mount Hope Cemetery, which is like absolutely massive if you are a Stephen King fan.

Apparently Stephen King was frequently seen wandering and looking, like, I think he's taken some names from some of the graves for some of his books, and also it is kind of the setting of Pet Sematary, and the part of the movie was filmed there as well. But the tour that we booked was with The Bangor Historical Society and our tour was amazing.

The tour guide, Matthew, was the curator of the Bangor Historical Society and was super knowledgeable and like obviously loved sharing. the history of the cemetery and the history of Bangor as well. They do a few other tours including a Best of Bangor and a Fire of 1911 walking tour as well. So it was like 90 minutes and then after the tour we were driving back to our hotel and my husband and I were talking about how much we've enjoyed booking ghost tours and walking tours on our last few trips.

Like, you know, obviously we could have gone and just wandered the cemetery on our own, but like, The names and the details of some of the buildings and the graves would have essentially meant nothing to us. We would have been like, that's cool. I don't know what it means. Uh, You know, you learn a lot. So we've also done ghost tours in Mount Dora, Florida, which I talked about on my last Florida Trip report, and then we did one in Boston last fall as well.

And then Meggan and I and our husbands, we've done a double date ghost tour in Halifax, which we've chatted about before too. And tours like this, either ghost tours or walking tours, are an amazing way to get to know the history of a city or a place. And the tour guide can provide so much more information and context of the buildings or the graves.

And you get like the opportunity to ask questions as well. And how I find these is quite technical, Meggan. I Google ghost tour or walking tour and the city name. It's I know. That's a great way to start. Definitely check out Historical Societies the place that you're visiting as well to see if they offer tours.

But Meggan, do you seek out these types of tours when you travel? Like, are you interested in them? Are there something that's on your radar?

Meggan: Yeah, so like you mentioned, we obviously did the ghost tour. I have done a witch walk in Salem. And I've also done a Jack the Ripper walking tour in London. So I have done them. I have to say it's not necessarily something I gravitate toward. I find myself on tours like that a bit impatient. I think that's, again, a me problem.

But you are 100 percent right when you say, otherwise you will walk by things and have no clue what they are. But tours like that give you so much context and I think they're so valuable. Even when we're in Bar Harbor, especially in the evenings, we see the person who usually leads the tour there with their lantern and their old timey garb on.

And that it looks cool, I have to say. So it's not, that's something I do often, but every time I've done it, much like the Harbor Hopper here in Halifax, you learn so much information. So I definitely see their value and I see why people enjoy them.

Jenn: Yeah. I feel like this is becoming my thing now that I'm gonna like start doing this like every place that we travel. Like,

Meggan: now.

Jenn: yeah, yeah. I think that my husband's like, Oh, you really like these? Like, yeah, I do. Actually. We were, we're thinking about doing one with some friends in Lunenburg. They do one.

It's departs of course, from the Lunenburg Academy. If you've ever seen the building, it is quite spooky from the outside and I can confirm also spooky on the inside. So um,

Meggan: Great place.

Jenn: it's a great place to start a ghost tour. So that's all we have this week. Let us know if you do any fun or spooky tours on your travels, what your favorites are so that I can go do them.

You can find us on social media at TravelMugPodcast or on our website, TravelMugPodcast. com. Please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or supporting the show through Buy Me a Coffee. And we would also super appreciate it if you shared the show with a travel loving, ghost tour loving pal.

That would be

Meggan: mean,

Jenn: We will chat with you again soon. Bye, everyone.

Meggan: Bye

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