What To Do During Spring In Nova Scotia
Join us as we continue our Nova Scotia Season series and dive into all that Nova Scotia has to offer in the Spring!
No matter what year or time of year you are listening, a lot of the events and happenings are yearly so you can use the tips for years to come!
Whether it is the Bluenose Marathon, Burger Bash (burger week), hiking or the Apple Blossom Festival – there really is something for everyone!
We hope to see you in Nova Scotia!
Episode Resources
- Hiking Cape Split
- Things To Do In Wolfville: Eat, See & Drink
- Planning A Trip To Liverpool Nova Scotia
- Traveling To Nova Scotia: Everything You Need To Know
Podcast Transcript
Spring in NS
Meggan: Welcome back to the travel mug podcast. Spring has sprung. Well, technically. Yeah, it's cold here today. So,
Jenn: but like we're recording and it's light outside.
Meggan: I don't know how somebody is like shining behind us. If you're not watching this on video, go to YouTube. It's glorious. It's glorious we are getting excited. Cause we have. A little bit of warm weather just to tease us, but it's getting us ready for what is to come and we've already done. Like, what is it now like fall and winter in Nova Scotia. So obviously want to talk about spring in Nova Scotia. It's a really great time.
So, Jenn, what's your favorite part about Spring?
Jenn: Um, that it leads to summer
winter's ending. Uh, I do like seeing everything kind of come alive again, and the leaves come back on the trees. And last year it was really exciting because it was our first couple of months in our new house. So we were seeing like what plants we had come up. And that was really exciting. And so, yeah, it is, it is nice to see everything come back to life again.
Meggan: Yeah, I definitely like on the same, and for me, it's kind of like, what's ahead. I want, I want summer to come so badly, but also it goes by so quickly. So spring is sort of like a forefront to the future or something. And I, I really like seeing the weather gradually change and the buds come on, the trees and a little bit more sun.
It is like you're watching things come alive. It's actually, if you take a moment to think about it, it's a really, really cool time of year. Like fall's beautiful, but everything is dying like it's lovely. But spring is sort of when it comes back to life and I, I really love that. So I guess what we wanted to do today is talk about obviously things to do in Nova Scotia during the spring.
So what do you got up first?
Jenn: The first is garden centers, which goes right into things coming alive again. I have a new love of plants, which I think a lot of people do now with the pandemic and everybody's got. Houseplants everywhere. And it's very fun. And I I've always loved visiting garden centers and even just walking through them, if I wasn't buying anything.
And there's so many amazing ones around, so I'm just gonna throw out a few of my favorites. So Cosby's garden center here in Liverpool. We've talked about it before. They have really nice walking trails up in behind it as well. And it's a really good place to go and take a coffee and just kind of wander around.
I also love ocean view garden center, which is in Chester. It's huge village nursery in Pleasantville, a little off the beaten path, but really nice. And Spencer's garden center in Shelburne. There's so many that I haven't been to you. So don't, don't come at me if I didn't talk about your favorite gardens,
Meggan: it's our podcast. They can't come at you
Jenn: Plant people be crazy, you know?
Meggan: Maybe they could just make suggestions then of places we should go. That was lovely. We would love to hear that. So I think I'm gonna talk about something that I don't know if you know about, but I guess we're gonna find out is Keppoch mountain.
So it's K E P P O C H for the listeners at home. What I know it is on the Northumberland shore near any ganache. So it used to be an Alpine ski hill. And it's now like a four seasons recreational area. So the big draw is something likely you or I aren't going to do, which is mountain biking trails. Right?
But it does have more to offer, which includes like hiking, swimming, sport, fishing Boulder climbing a park and also like an 18 hole, like disc golf. Oh, what you call that? A course. Yes. There we go. And that's just the name of few things like in hosts, also events throughout the year, including like family fun days.
During those, there are trail fees that are waived. They have family oriented. Um, They do runs and races and hiking events and educational seminars. I mean, I'm going to be super honest. What the hell? Like, well,
Jenn: I had no idea this existed until we were doing research for the show. Like, how is this place existed? We have no idea.
Meggan: I know, and I've literally never even heard the name before. You'd at least think, oh, that place I've heard of it, but I don't know what it is. Yeah,
Jenn: no, no. They're keeping like a best kept secret there. I think. Look, what's going on, but it sounds fun.
Meggan: Anyway, let's all head to Keppoch mountain this Spring anyhow. All right. Well maybe something that we've heard of is what's up next?
Jenn: Yes. So apple blossom festival it's back, baby
Meggan: love.
Jenn: Woo. May 25th to 30th, 2022. It's like, Wolfville, Kentville all the apple blossoms they're out. It's all beautiful. They also have events concerts parade fireworks. All those fun things.
Yeah, in a special place in my heart, we got engaged on apple blossom weekend in Wolfville in 25th, no 20. 14 20 14.
Meggan: You don't remember?
Jenn: I know. I'm like, well, I got married in 2015, so it was 2014.
Meggan: But anyway, that was a whirlwind engagement. Jeez, Louise.
Jenn: But yeah, like we went to a concert. Acadia at the university.
And could we see Joel plaskitt and David Miles? And it was really, really good. So, yes, I'm excited that festivals are coming back.
Meggan: I know, I know I've got it. We got a couple more to talk about. It's really exciting and really Wolfville is beautiful no matter the time of year, maybe not in the depths of winter, but otherwise it's a beautiful place.
And especially during apple blossom season. Something else. I want to talk about that. I think I'm sure it's fun, but I've never had the chance to do and like it every anyway, let's just talk about it. I can't even, and that is valley drive in. So it's located in Cambridge, which is in Kings county. It's a 1950 style Drive-in
it is seasonal. So catch your shows on the weekends between may and September. They are reopening for the season. Like even just saying that brings me such joy for 2022 and they opened on April 29th. So it's all very exciting. It's $28 per carload of people. I guess it's probably easier to sneak in snacks when you're in your own car, but I'm sure they also probably sell things there.
They make some money. And then it's a double feature. I mean, it sounds. Like fun to me. And there's a, I want to mention to you, there's also a drive-in on the glace bay highway, just outside of Sydney in Cape Breton. I've never been and we drive there. We don't go as much in the summer. So we always drive by when, in the winter.
And I look at it longingly and I just I'm dying to do a drive. And maybe this is the year.
Jenn: Yes. I've been to the valley drive in. We went, I think it was summer 2019, but it could have been summer 2020. I can't remember. I don't know what time is any more, but anyway we we only stayed for the first movie because here's the thing about. The, the drive in, it has to be dark.
Meggan: So it's late, probably
Jenn: late. Like the first movie in like June is going to start at like nine or nine 30. Like it is late. And especially if you're not staying in the area and you're driving back to like Halifax, it's a long drive. So I would say like spring, like when it opens and the first like month probably or less, and then in the fall, If you want to like an early movie and cause it's, I mean, I guess if you're a night owl, it, maybe it's not a problem for you, but like I'm usually in bed by 10 o'clock.
So starting a movie at nine it's like, whoa,
but I will say, we went and we had a really, really good time and the food there, they have like a canteen with like, you know, onion rings and French fries and like that sort of delicious stuff. And it was really good. So yeah, I'd like to make it there again for another movie
Meggan: I'd love. I love a canteen, you know, Nova Scotia love a canteen.
What's up next? Speaking of food,
Jenn: food. So Halifax burger week is getting a slight rebrand and is being called the burger bash.
Meggan: Oh. As it should be.
Jenn: I mean, everyone's going to call it burger week, but it is more than a week. So I guess that's why it's a bash burger bash. So it's a 10 day event restaurants in Halifax feature a burger and the proceeds or some of the proceeds go to feed Nova Scotia and no fear if you don't eat beef or meat. There's a lot of restaurants that do like a chicken option or vegetarian option so yeah. It's usually takes space in this spring last year it was in the fall just to mess with us, I think.
Um, But it's back in the spring. So April 28th to May 7th eat out for a good cause.
Meggan: A couple of the spots and health Halifax that are vegan or strictly vegetarian, also take place as well. So even restaurants that don't have a feature burger that you could eat, I'm sure they'll have something else anyway.
Or if you just want to do actual burger week, you can find one that way too.
Jenn: Yeah. There's, everything's like listed on their website with like menus and places that are participating and, and that sort of thing. So it's really fun. My friend, Abby, I have to give a shout out to her. She is like burger week extraordinaire
she was the burger week ambassador last year and she ate, she ate like two burgers a day for like the, it was nuts. Like, I don't know how she ate that much.
Meggan: I hope Abby saw a physician after that.
We love you. I mean, take care.
Jenn: What's next, Megan, where are we doing? What are we doing
Meggan: now? Well, we are going to potentially, maybe who knows, take a shoulder season road trip. I had to say that slowly cause that's a mouth full. So we do love a road trip. We've talked about that lots of times on the travel mug podcasts.
So we won't go too deep as we've covered a lot of things. But spring in Nova Scotia, like I said, the buds are bursting. Things are coming back to life. We've been cooped up. All winter or for two years at this point, really. I mean, it's been a long time. Spring is a really great time put on your all seasons, shed those winter tires, you know maybe brought your bikes in the trunk, if that suits your fancy and hit the road.
So Nova Scotia, as we know, it can be really great for day trips. So you don't need to plan a weekend away necessarily. Or there are of course, lots of cabins, motels, hotels, B and BS, Airbnbs. Everyone needs your business yep. So you want to go and stay one night or two night. There's lots and lots of options and yeah, spring weather can definitely be unpredictable.
We all know that, but if you kind of know it going into it, you know, just plan for them, dress accordingly. It's Nova Scotia people. I don't know what to tell you. And we have a weekend getaway actually booked for ourselves for April down in mill village. Um, I know, so we really needed something to look forward to.
So if we're going to do a little spring road trip down that way, we've never been to mill village before. So.
Jenn: So excited! You're gonna be close to me!
Meggan: I know, maybe we can meet up for breakfast at Paul's again.
Jenn: Yes. I love mill village. It is. It's such a cute little place. You're going to
Meggan: very excited. So yeah, I get back out there. People it's time.
Jenn: Yes. Yes. And while you're planning a road trip, maybe you want to go for a hike! So I know spring hiking, there are so many great hiking trails around. Obviously we can't talk about all of them, but because we're making it into entire episode um, coming up, we're going to have Deborah Peddle Hann coming back on with us.
She was on previously, like a year ago. Um, But she's going to talk all about hiking. So I'm excited to do that.
Meggan: Looking forward to that.
Jenn: Yes. But yeah, for now I'll share my favorites. I love cape split. Just outside of Wolfville. Gaff point is down here in Lunenburg county area and then the bluff wilderness trail is in Timberlee.
And the skyline trail and Cape Breton. So there's so many, so many good trails, but keep in mind that kind of need the right gear for the spring as it will definitely be muddy. There's no way it's not going to be muddy there still could be snow or ice. So you do have to be careful with like footwear, if you have crampons or whatever. And also on the other side of that tick starts to come out in the spring. Just not a fun thing to think about
Meggan: discouraging, what are we doing here?
Jenn: Do it, but do it carefully and safely
Meggan: do your research. As we say,
Jenn: as we say, are there any hikes that you've done in Nova Scotia? You can think of
Meggan: I've done most of the ones that you've mentioned. We did Cape split just last year and I realized I'm old. And I want to do the bluff wilderness trail. Peter has done it. And I don't know if he thinks it's too challenging, but every time I bring it up, he's like, yeah. We'll do it eventually.
And I'm like, I'm, I'm definitely old. But I also love skyline trail, although we also, and we also did that last year too. I did carry a giant stick the whole time because I was petrified, but other than that, it was lovely. Wow. But to the end and we almost got blown off the mountain, but it is it's, it's a really easy hike um, enjoyable as well.
So yeah, I do, I do love a hike. It's just, I can't do as many kilometers these days.
Jenn: Yeah. I was gonna, one of my favorites is Duncan's Cove and I didn't put it on this list specifically because it's very Rocky and there's. You're on a cliff, like the whole time. And if that is icy it is super dangerous. So like late spring, probably. Good. Like now beginning of April, I wouldn't do it.
Meggan: Yeah, no, no, for sure. And there is a hike we did last year that implanted advanced to get the name, but it's actually local in Halifax. And it was lovely. If I remember, maybe we could add in the show notes because I'm old and I forget hike, you know what you could do.
You could run, you could run also a no for me. Okay. So up next we're going to talk about the bluenose marathon. So usually, and we say usually because you know, the last two years, yada, yada, yada, but in may of 2022 the blue noses back, the bluenose marathon and that's in Halifax. It happens Victoria Day weekend.
So this year, May 20th to the 22nd. It is a road race through the streets of HRM or Halifax regional municipality. Cause it's not just in Halifax and it's multiple lengths. So you can do a 5k 10 K half full. So usually a kid's run on the Saturday. And the big event takes place on the Sunday. So the 5k and up and it's usually a big deal with like big sponsors.
It brings people from all over the world. And it also brings a lot of great revenue to the city and the province, which is awesome as well. I did run the 5k myself. I think it was like 20 2009 or 2010, but I, like I said, I hate running. So I haven't done more than that. Peter's done the 5k, the 10 K and a couple of half marathons, I think. What about you?
Jenn: So I have done, I think, seven races. When we wrote this down, I was like, I'm going to go count my shirts, but I think one of them might've been dirty. It might be eight. I don't remember. But yeah, I've done either the 5k or the 10 K I think I've done the 10 K twice and the rest of the time has been the five and my husband Ryan done I think all of them he's done. I think he's done the full... No, he hasn't done the full marathon. He's done the half marathon. But yeah, it's really fun. I think the 5k might be on Saturday now or they, a couple of years they moved the 5k to Saturday because there are so many people. But yeah, it's a really, really fun event.
And if you've never run a race. It, the atmosphere, there is like, it feels so much different than just running on your own. And it's really, really fun. And it's a really supportive environment. And I would say even if you're majority walking in. It's still fun. Like I've had a great time every time I've done it.
And I've also done the volunteer massaging there too. So
Meggan: like a bluenose marathon pro
Jenn: I guess I, him, I mean, yeah, I did it last. Last year. They are not last year, the year before 2020, it was virtual. So that was the last time I did it, but the five virtual 5k, which was not as fun,
Meggan: I can imagine it wasn't not
actual event.
Jenn: So yeah, I'm, I'm a little sad. I'm not doing it this year, but maybe next year
Meggan: um,
We'll just be hopeful. It's there next year. And if you don't want to take part of the sport, what else could we maybe do? And
Jenn: you could watch sports, always that so we're actually really lucky in Nova Scotia. We have a lot of like amazing sports teams to watch.
So they Q M J H L and Q league, as some people call it the Halifax moose heads and the Cape Breton Eagles who dropped the screaming out of their name, still
Meggan: no longer screaming.
Jenn: They're no longer screaming. They're just Eagles. They played into the beginning of may and then the national lacrosse league, the Halifax Thunderbirds play into April and then longer if they make it into the playoffs, which it's looking good. And the Halifax hurricanes basketball team also plays into April. I will say if you've never been to a lacrosse game, It is so much fun. It is probably the most fun I've ever had at a sports game. And I had no idea what the rules were before I went into it. I knew nothing about lacrosse and we had the best time we went.
It just like end of February, middle of February, 20, 20 before the world went crazy. And I was like, I can't wait to go to another game. And then the league shut down because that's what happened. But Really fun. So even if you've never seen a lacrosse thing in your life, it's still a blast.
Meggan: Well, you know, that's also much like you know, a race environment.
I also find live sports and I think we've said this before. It's so much different when you're there and you really can get into
Jenn: yeah, for sure. Even if you're not like a sports person or whatever, it's still like a lot of fun to do to be in that atmosphere.
Meggan: Definitely. Awesome. Well, everyone likes a good laugh. I mean, and if you don't, I don't, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry to hear that. So if you, if you want a good laugh upcoming, there is the Halifax comedy festival. Again, people events are actually happening and so exciting. So this year it is over four days. So April 26. To the 30th you'll get your chance to see like 30 comedians do their thing over the four days.
So it's taking place at the Spatz theater as well as other locations, including I think the seahorse throughout Halifax tickets are on sale now, or when this episode comes out, hopefully they won't be sold out. They are sold per event from what I could understand several of which are happening obviously over that four day period.
And it seemed to me around 20 ish. Per person range. So if that interests you and you need to like, not think about the world for a bit, go to the comedy fast, have a giggle.
Jenn: Oh, it sounds really fun. I haven't, I haven't done that. I know they've done this event before in Halifax, but one of those things that I was like, oh, I'll get around to doing it. And then. I didn't and then we moved out. So everything's like a little bit more difficult now, but someday.
All right. I love me a good beach day. Even in spring, you can go for a walk or some beach combing. I'm lucky where I live right now. Like we have so many good beaches and I am spoiled. So I love Summerville, which is close to me.
Blue rocks beach in Lunenburg county, crystal Crescent beach. And Taylor's Head beach. If you're up on that shore I know Megan, you like to do some beach combing. Do you have any faves?
Meggan: I do. I love really, I love searching for beach glass and that can be along the shore. It doesn't necessarily. The beach, but if I went and beaches, I mean, I'd have to say like my home island beaches, Cape Sable island has gorgeous, gorgeous beaches.
The Hawk beach, Stony island beach, both are freezing in terms of the water, but they are like pristine. Beautiful. If you just are looking for a beach walk. And I would say also off the island, there's a sand Hills beach as well. And along the along the waterfront in Pictou I have to say we scored huge, huge, huge for beach glass.
So if it is of an interest for you, like Peter took some pictures and like, look on my face. It was like Christmas morning. I was like, so freaking excited. So I would highly recommend that as well, but don't take all the glass, like don't be greedy. But anyway, it's I love looking for beach glass.
So if anybody out there has any suggestions of where I could go do, let me know.
Jenn: Hm. Yes, it's fun. And it's just, it's nice just to be in the water, even if it is chilly, just bundle up a little bit and it just, just snuggle in super nice. Tell us about another festival that's happening.
Meggan: I know, I thought you would actually find this rather interesting.
I know we're all busy at this exact time that it's happening, but another one I thought was sounded fun. Is the east coast cider festival. I was like, I know, I thought there's also a beer festival. I think that will have happened by the time this episode airs. Yeah. So I thought this could be a good replacement is taking place at the Halifax Marriott on the waterfront in Halifax on May 28th from one to 9:00 PM.
And Hey, one o'clock is five o'clock somewhere. There are about 22 different cideries or purveyors taking part from all around the province and beyond you can buy tickets, I guess it sort of in chunks. So either one to 4:00 PM or six to 9:00 PM, they want everyone to have supper fill up. So they don't.
Um, And each ticket comes this year is new with a redeemable food token, which I love, we love food. So give me the food. So tickets are about $45 per person plus tax. There were early bird tickets. Those are already sold out. So if you are interested in going I would get those quickly, but it sounds like
Jenn: it does sound fun.
I know the date is kind of not good for us, like getting ready to go to Scotland, but maybe hopefully it will be happening in 2023. It sounds like a lot of fun. And I love cider. It is my favorite alcoholic drink. So yes, fun time. All right. Last thing we're going to talk about is the Joggin's fossil cliffs. So I visited this place way back when it was in grade five and I've been wanting to go back ever since
Meggan: I was there not long about, it's lovely.
Jenn: Just a little, just a little while ago. Maybe this is the year. I don't know. Anyway, it's a UNESCO world heritage site. It's free to visit the fossil cliffs there's a fee to visit the interpretive center and then there's also. Like guided tours that you can have someone come and actually show you stuff instead of just looking at rocks and being like, what am I looking at?
Meggan: Right.
Jenn: So the fossil record includes species first defined at Joggin's some of which are found nowhere else on earth, which. That's crazy. Like that's really cool. And it was here that search Charles Lindell and sir William Dawson, the founder of modern geology discovered tetrapods, which are amphibians and reptiles.
And they were entombed in upright fossil trees.
Meggan: Cool.
Jenn: I know like, look at us, we're on the map for like, you know, modern geology who knew,
You can still find fossils but finders are not keepers because they're going to want to do research on those. So maybe you've found something. Has not been discovered yet, that would be super
Meggan: You could be on the cusp of modern geology
Jenn: maybe they'll name it after you, but you still don't get to keep the fossil.
Meggan: I would love that. I probably actually knew that at one point, but I forgot everything. Cause I, we did actually have a guided tour and I'm not really a guided tour person, but it was worth it because otherwise I would just. Oh, it's some rocks, but he, he actually really made a big difference.
And so I would recommend the guided tour.
Jenn: Yeah. That is definitely what I would want to do when I finally get there again
Meggan: do it
Jenn: today. All right. Well that is it for this episode. I'm sure that we missed things because. There's a lot of things going on, especially with the, the return of the world. Now, getting back out there and events are happening in person.
So we hope that no matter where you are in the world, that nature is starting to change for the better, unless you're in the Southern hemisphere. And then you're heading into one.
Meggan: Sorry to hear that Hi Tasmania, sorry about that.
We do. Thanks for your support.
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